
Elden Ring: Hotfix 1.09.1 Solves Ray Tracing Problem

Published: Apr. 19, 2023
Updated: Apr. 19, 2023

German English

A good four weeks after the release of patch 1.09 for Elden Ring, it receives its first hotfix 1.09.1 to solve the recent ray tracing problems. The new patch also contains some balance changes and bug fixes.

Since the introduction of patch 1.09 for Elden Ring, players regularly noticed a certain ray tracing issue, which mostly hurt the game's performance. To counteract this, From Software and Bandai Namco have now rolled out the first hotfix 1.09.1 on all platforms.

Patch 1.09.1 for Elden Ring

Many players were concerned about ray tracing since patch 1.09 because it activated itself by default under certain circumstances. The patch notes do not say exactly what these circumstances are. This led to significant performance problems for players who do not have the required hardware.

elden ring raytracing

There is now a solution for this bug with 1.09.1. Players of the open-world RPG can now completely disable ray tracing under System > Graphics > Ray Tracing Quality. In case Elden Ring doesn't start properly or generally runs rough with the ray tracing quality set to low, medium, or maximum, Bandai Namco points out that this is most likely due to system requirements not being met or the graphics card's drivers not being up-to-date.

Balance Changes and Bugfixes from 1.09.1

  • Fixed a bug where the effects of some Skills, Incantations, Items, and Weapons that increased attack power were not applied to Spells and Incantations.
  • Fixed a bug in which the Skill Contagious Fury from the Jellyfish Shield kept increasing attack power when unequipping the shield or switching to a different weapon.
  • Decreased the poise damage of the Cursed-Blood Slice Skill.
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Markus has been part of our Guided.news team since June 2022 and writes about many topics as a dedicated gamer. But he is especially fond of Path of Exile and other ARPGs.
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