The Microsoft vs. FTC (Federal Trade Commission) court case is producing many leaks about hotly anticipated games. Now there is also information about the release of The Elder Scrolls 6.
What's it about? During the Microsoft vs. FTC hearing, a Microsoft lawyer made a funny false statement, promising himself massively on the game name of the upcoming Elder Scrolls spin-off. In exchange, however, he reveals when the role-playing game is scheduled to be released -- and that's not so far off.
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The insane promise has come about because of a correction attempt on the part of Microsoft. The court put the game series of The Elder Scrolls on a level with that of Call of Duty. The Microsoft lawyer had tried to clarify this, saying:
Could I clarify one issue that council raised with you, when you were asking about Zenimax and asked him to find a game that was most similar to Xbox, he mentioned Elder Scrolls. That is incorrect. There are two Elder Scrolls games, one is online called Elder Scrolls Online — that is a multiplayer game, it is on PlayStation today. The game he’s talking about Elder Scrolls 16... the projected release is 2026 as a single-player game. It is not anywhere similar to Call of Duty, which as you know is multiplayer and multi-platform.
Here, of course, the lawyer had misspoken, with the title "Elder Scrolls 16", and meant The Elder Scrolls 6. But that's just in passing, more importantly, he titled the expected release year as 2026. The Elder Scrolls 6 would thus already be released in three years.
It remains doubtful that this release date is likely. Developer Bethesda Softworks had already announced the game in 2018. However, studio lead Todd Howard recently announced that The Elder Scrolls 6 is still very far away. Accordingly, 2026 could be an internal deadline and not a fixed release.
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