If your game crashes regularly in Modern Warfare 3 on PC and you encounter the error code “0x00001338(11960) N”, we have some solutions for you to resolve the issue.
Here's what our guide will show you:
Are you experiencing crashes in Modern Warfare 3 when launching the game or regularly during your matches? Whether it's in the campaign, multiplayer, or zombies, the Crash Error 0x00001338(11960) N can occur at any time on your PC. This issue has plagued every CoD game in recent years, and some solutions have already proven helpful.
Let's start with the standard solutions that you should try first:
If you still have problems, you can reset Modern Warfare 3. However, this will result in the loss of all your in-game settings. It helps resolve crashes, though.
Another option to prevent crashes is to run MW3 with the highest priority or as an administrator.
To change the priority: To run MW3 with the highest priority, you need to modify a registry entry. You can do this easily with a self-created file. Use Notepad or a text editor of your choice and add the following code:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\mp23-cod.exe\PerfOptions]
Next, you'll save the file on your desktop and name it “crashfix.reg.” The name of the file itself doesn't matter; you just shouldn't forget the “.reg” at the end. Before saving, change the file type to “All Files” and then save the file.
Afterward, you can double-click the file on your desktop and be asked if you trust the file. Choose “Yes,” and Call of Duty will be assigned a higher priority within the Windows Registry. This means that CoD will receive more resources from your system, and other processes like web browsers will be given less priority while you're gaming.
How to start CoD as an administrator: To launch Modern Warfare as an administrator, you need to locate the cod.exe file in the installation folder:
Here, you'll find the cod.exe file. Right-click on it, select Properties and go to the Compatibility tab. Check the boxes for “Disable fullscreen optimizations” and “Run this program as an administrator” in the settings.
If these tips haven't helped you, your last resort is to attempt to fix the crashes by reinstalling the game. Alternatively, the developers at Activision Blizzard continue to work on fixes, but the Crash Error 0x00001338(11960) N may still appear from time to time.
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