
Modern Warfare 3 Zombies: How to get a Hellhound & Achievement

Published: Nov. 13, 2023
Updated: Nov. 13, 2023

German English

In Modern Warfare 3 Zombies you can earn your own hellhound as a companion and ally. I played myself a "Hot Dog" & will tell you how you can do it too.


  • In Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, you can tame a hellhound.
  • for your own dog, you have to collect zombie flesh
  • You get your dog at certain spawn points, which are marked on the map.

How to get your own hellhound in MW3 Zombies

With chunks of flesh dropped by zombies, you can tame your own hellhound at a burning doghouse. That's the short version, but there's a bit more knowledge to it!

Hellhound Hut in MWZ

Chunk of Flesh in MWZ

How to tame your hellhound: As said, first you need chunks of flesh from zombies. You get these scraps not randomly through every kill, but only when you finish off a zombie with an explosive weapon. Among other things, you can use for this:

  • RGL 80
  • RPG
  • Grenades & Mines
  • Explosive Arrows

When the zombies explode, they leave behind chunks of flesh in rarity Blue. With these chunks of flesh, you now need to find a burning hellhound doghouse. There are a total of 8 possible spawn points for the doghouses in Urzikstan, but not all spawn points are occupied in each round. By the way, you can discover the doghouses on the map when you are closer than 300 meters to them.

Worth Reading: Ultimate Guide for Zombies - Portals, Wonder Weapons, Bosses & more

So go to the doghouse and insert 2x pieces of flesh. The house now explodes and out comes a loyal companion who fights at your side against zombies and Terminus mercenaries. On top of that, your own hellhound in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies gets a random name — mine was called Waffles!

Hellhound Hut in MWZ

Hellhound Doghouse in MWZ

Depending on which zone you tamed your dog from the hut, it gets a different level. The range is from level one to three, and this then affects the combat power of your hellhound. And for absolute dog fanatics: You can tame several dogs in MWZ, all of which will fight for you.

How to unlock the Achievement “You can Pet the Dog”

By creating a dog in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, you can not only face stronger enemy hordes, but also unlock one of the many MW3 Achievements/Trophies. As already revealed in the headline, this achievement is called: “You can Pet the Dog” or “You can pet the dog.” To unlock the achievement, you simply need to spawn a dog and pet it.

But there's a catch:

You can't pet every dog that you unlock at the dog kennel. In my test, it was apparently due to the name of the dog. While Waffles didn't want to be petted, Sniffles had no fear of contact and unlocked the achievement for me.

Achievement of Pet the Dog

Pet the Dog Achievement

Give it a try and let us and the other readers know in the comments which dog with which name you petted! All I can do is invite you to our community discord and social media channels. You can find all the links via Linktr.ee!


Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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