
Path of Exile: Heist Flashback Event - Start, Prizes and more

Published: Dec. 17, 2020
Updated: Feb. 15, 2021


Starting December 18th, the three-week Heist Flashback Event will take place in Path of Exile on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. We have summarized the most important information for you.

This is the Heist Flashback Event: The last of the three events in December at the end of the League will start in the ARPG Path of Exile from developer GGG (Grinding Gear Games). Here you can say one last time and on top of that, there are a lot of mods that will ensure even more loot. As in previous events, there is also something to be won here.

Everything you need to know first:

  • The event starts on December 18, 2020 at 12 pm PST.
  • The event ends on January 4th, 2021 at 10 am PST.
  • The following game modes are available: Standard Autark, Hardcore Autark.
  • It is NOT a “voided event”.

This is special about the Heist Flashback Event

This is how the Flashback event differs from the League and other events: This event is not "Voided". This means that all your loot and characters end up in the corresponding permanent league after the event and you can keep them. In addition to the well-known Heist League mechanics, each zone/map will contain three random mods from past leagues. However, every hour these mods will change randomly. These are the mods:

  • 2 Additional Rogue Exiles
  • 2 Additional Invasion Bosses
  • 1 Additional Breach
  • 2 Additional Strongboxes
  • 3 Additional Tormented Spirits
  • 2 Additional Perandus Chests and a 33% chance to spawn Cadiro
  • 3 Additional Rare Monster Packs with Nemesis Mods
  • 3 Additional Magic Monster Packs with Bloodlines
  • 1 Additional Abyss
  • 2 Additional Harbingers
  • 1 Timeless Monolith
  • 1 Metamorph
  • 1 Delirium Mirror
  • Beyond

The Heist Flashback Event Prizes

The prizes are structured in a similar way to the Endless Delve event, only this time there is a different selection. In addition, you can trade with other players. There are again different MTX and for the best of the best to win the authority of the demigod.


Twilight Mystery Box: In the Flashback Event, you'll be automatically awarded a Twilight Mystery Box for reaching level 50. This is a guaranteed prize that's only available once per account per event. Leveling multiple characters in the same event will not grant multiple mystery boxes.

Random Draw Microtransactions: If you reach one of the level thresholds below, you'll automatically be in the draw to win one of the microtransaction prizes below. These will be drawn at random and shared across all versions of the event.



Flashback Heist Event FAQ

Are you going to use this event to really enjoy Heist again? Do you already know which builds you want to play and if so which ones?

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Ewig 18-jährig und dem Flachwitze frohlockend begeistert er sich vorwiegend für (A)RPGs. Bei Diablo 3, Path of Exile und dem ein oder anderen Roguelike fühlt Christian sich zu Hause. Solange etwas im Team gespielt werden kann und Spaß macht, sagt er aber auch dazu nicht nein. Nebenbei engagiert er sich als persönlicher Coach für Path of Exile Spieler.
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