
The Cycle Frontier: How to Find the Dustbloom

Published: Jul. 21, 2022
Updated: Jul. 21, 2022

German English

On Fortuna III, the contested planet in The Cycle: Frontier, there are many resources to collect - like the Dustblooms. These are very rare and can only be found on Crescent Falls. We'll show you where you can find the blossoms.

What it's about: The Dustbloom, like the Pale Ivy Blossom, is a plant resource in The Cycle that you need for crafting equipment, upgrading your quarters, or for missions. For example, the largest backpack you can make at the printer in the station requires a Dustbloom. The special thing is that there is only one area on all of Fortuna III where this plant grows. So grab your biggest backpack, and we will show you where to find the rare blossom.

Locations for Dustblooms on Crescent Falls in The Cycle

The Dustbloom can only be found in the northeast of Crescent Falls. Across an area from the Pinnacle Lab to the Starport Warehouse and to the edge of the Oasis, you can encounter the purple flower. It is found exclusively in this very dry area.

The Cycle Frontier: Dustbloom auf Crescent Falls

You'll only find the rare Dustbloom in the northeast on Crescent Falls.

Some Tips: It is important to note that around the spawn points of the Dustblooms, there are a lot of vicious creatures that would love to eat you. In addition, there are a lot of players in the area, because that's the only place where the flower can be found. So don't forget to pack your good equipment with strong weapons and armor before you go in search of the rare Dustblooms.

More about The Cycle: Frontier

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