
The Cycle Frontier: How to Find the "Veltecite" Material

Published: Jul. 04, 2022
Updated: Jul. 05, 2022

German English

In the extraction shooter The Cycle: Frontier you'll find a lot of different resources to improve, mine and create new items. Relatively early in the game you'll come across Veltecite. This is an ore that you can mine. We'll show you where to find the veins to mine on both the Bright Sands and Crescent Falls maps in The Cycle.

Here's the deal: There are four different forms of veltecite in The Cycle. Besides flawed, cloudy and clear Veltecite there is also pure Veltecite. However, this is incredibly rare to find. If you need pure Veltecite for a quest, it can take a while until you have collected the required amount. But you don't only need the purple ore for quests, but also to create better items. That's why you may need to mine and find large amounts of Veltecite. We want to show you where you can find the coveted raw material on both maps in The Cycle. So grab your pickaxe and let's go!

Veltecite locations on Bright Sands in The Cycle

On the map Bright Sands, you can find a lot of Veltecite. At almost every major body of water or waterfall. Across the entire map, you'll find several major deposits, and we'll show you where you have the best chance of taking home large quantities of the popular ore.


On Bright Sands in The Cycle you find many locations of Veltecite at rivers and ponds.

These are the places where you can find Veltecite on Bright Sands:

  • At the waterfalls to the north.
  • North and northeast of the swamp camp.
  • By the river west of the science campus.
  • Between the lagoon and the Vaccine Labs below the evacuation point.
  • At the eastern entrances to the east caverns.
  • At the southwest mouth of the lake into the river.

There are other places where you can find Veltecite. However, the ones mentioned here have the most veins. Also note that you will find the veins of ore mainly along bodies of water.

Veltecite locations at Crescent Falls in The Cycle

Compared to Bright Sands you will find less large deposits on Crescent Falls. But even here there are some places where you can fill your pockets with the sometimes very valuable ore. Make sure that the veins are mainly located near bodies of water.


In the greatly contested pvp areas on Crescent Falls in The Cycle you find fewer Veltecite than on Bright Sands.

At Crescent Falls, you will find Veltecite at the following locations:

  • On the western edge of the Thermal Ponds.
  • South of the oasis.
  • To the northeast near the Pinnacle Labs.
  • Between the Starport Landing Pad and Starport Camp.
  • North of the Jungle Thermal Ponds and west of the Starport Landing Pad.

Also on Crescent Falls there are other places where you can find Veltecite. However, we have listed the places with the largest occurrences here and noted them on the map.

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
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