
Warhammer 40,000 Darktide: Defeat the Beast of Nurgle - Skills and Tactics

Published: Dec. 07, 2022
Updated: Dec. 07, 2022

German English

Warhammer 40,000 Darktide lets you fight against well-known monsters from the Warhammer universe, including creatures of Nurgle. During one of the missions, there is also the boss “Beast of Nurgle”, and our Guide will tell you how to defeat it.

This is what's going on: The pre-order beta has already started on November 17. If you have pre-ordered Warhammer 40,000 Darktide, you can already play. However, most content is still being held back, and new missions will only be added on a weekly basis. For the actual release on November 30th, you will be able to play all content. In the missions that are already available, you will also encounter a disgusting boss, the Beast of Nurgle, which is quite a challenge. We'll tell you how to defeat it.

How to Defeat the Beast of Nurgle in Warhammer 40,000 Darktide

In the currently running pre-order beta and probably also in the release on November 30th, the Beast of Nurgle will be one of the most difficult enemies you will encounter in Warhammer 40,000 Darktide. The green monstrosity, reminiscent of a disfigured Jabba the Hut, seems slow at first glance, but this is deceptive. You and your squad should prepare well for the battle.

These are the Abilities of the Beast of Nurgle in Warhammer 40K Darktide.

The Beast of Nurgle will use 3 special abilities during combat and also strike normally:

  • The Beast of Nurgle will always target a squad member and go after him.
  • As it does so, it sprays acid, which does no damage, but slows you down.
  • If it's in your melee range, it will hit you or even eat you.
  • If it devours you, you will receive damage, and you will receive corruption, which will reduce your maximum health points.
  • If you stand too close behind the Beast of Nurgle, it will hit you with a tail slash.

The abilities of the Beast of Nurgle are designed to get within melee range of its targets. So try to always keep a great distance and don't approach it from behind.

Pay Attention to the Right Tactics and Use its Weak Spots

Of course, the Beast of Nurgle has not only strengths but also weaknesses. As soon as it chases one of your teammates, keep some distance behind it and aim your weapon at the yellow glowing blister. This is the weak point of the Beast of Nurgle and deals critical damage when hit. If you are being chased, you should try to run in circles so that your friends always have a good field of fire.

  • As a target: run away and move in circles.
  • As an attacker: Aim at the yellow blister on the back of the beast.
  • Stay away from the tail.
  • Don't get eaten.

Teamwork is important here, and good coordination will get you through this fight well. YouTuber Kiv Kiv has already shown off the short but intense fight:


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Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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