The semi-official mod DayZ Namalsk is getting a third major content update, the contents of which DayZ developer Adam „Sumrak" Francu teased in a livestream. Among other things, we see the new alien dimension.
What's going on? DayZ Namalsk will soon receive its third major content patch. This time, it seems to focus less on the actual map, but instead expands the alien dimension that you can travel to. What exactly we know and have seen, we'll tell you now.
What does the teaser trailer show? In the approximately 2:30 minute long trailer for the upcoming update, we see an oil rig, surrounded by ice. It seems to be in operation because you can clearly see the tower, which burns the released gases. The oil rig is called Phoenix and seems to play a major role in the story of DayZ Namalsk. After that, we see a montage of various new locations to explore on the icy polar island.
Anyone who has played Namalsk before -- whether recently or at Arma 2 DayZ -- knows that interdimensional travel is virtually part of everyday life. This has been possible since the second content update of DayZ Namalsk. Until now, however, the alien dimension that could be accessed was rather barren and boring.
What's new in the Alien Dimension? In the trailer, we can discover that the new world is far more detailed than before. Pointed mountains rise from the ground everywhere, and seemingly bottomless canyons stretch through the red-brown land. As usual, you step out of the portal, which is created in the underground base A3.
If you happened to come across this article, you might be extremely confused: Alien worlds, portals, polar islands and oil drilling platforms!? This and much more is DayZ Namalsk and unfortunately only players of the PC version have access to it. Namalsk is the work of a DayZ developer, but the project is not official.
Adam "Sumrak" Francu is behind the mystery story, the icy game world and many of the unique assets and buildings. He designed the latter, especially for Namalsk, and oh yeah: the temperature system from the main game, you owe that to the release of DayZ Namalsk.
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How to play Namalsk: First, you need the mod launcher DZSA. Here you can easily filter for DayZ Namalsk servers and join them. You will be asked if you want to download all necessary mods. Click yes or okay and the download and installation will start automatically.
So that you are not completely overwhelmed in the ice desert, we have some of the most important guides for survival in DayZ Namalsk: