Nach anderthalb Jahren im Early Access ist Arma Reforger in der Version 1.0 erschienen. Hier erfährst du die Highlights der Release-Fassung und liest die vollständigen offiziellen Patchnotes.
Dieser Artikel enthält:
alle Höhepunkte der 1.0-Version, darunter Helikopter und ein überarbeitetes Versorgungssystem
die vollständigen offiziellen Patchnotes in englischer Sprache
Das sind die Highlights der Version 1.0 von Arma Reforger
Fast auf den Tag genau vor anderthalb Jahren startete die Militär-Simulation Arma Reforger in den Early Access bei Steam – heute, am 16. November 2023, ist nun die Version 1.0 erschienen. Aus diesem Anlass veröffentlichte Entwickler Bohemia Interactive auf der Website Arma Platform einen Versions-Überblick samt der kompletten Patchnotes.
Letztere bilden aus über 40.000 Zeichen eine wahre Textmauer; die Neuerungen sind also sehr umfangreich ausgefallen. Die Macher hoben in dem Überblick vier Versions-Highlights hervor, die wir im Folgenden näher vorstellen.
Highlight 1: Helikopter
Arma Reforger 1.0 führt, wie unten im Bild zu sehen, zwei Typen von Helikoptern ein. Es handelt sich um den UH-1H und den Mi-8MT, die der Entwickler als akribisch nachgebaute, „kultige Hubschrauber“ bezeichnet. Die beiden Kriegsvehikel bieten demnach funktionale Instrumente sowie Bedienelemente, eine simulierte Aufhängung sowie neue Rotor-Animationen. Das alles soll für das bislang realistischste Flugerlebnis der Arma-Reihe sorgen.
Arma Reforger bietet Couch-Soldaten in der Version 1.0 zwei Arten von Helikoptern an.
Was die Funktion der „vielseitigen Fluggeräte“ anbelangt, so sollen die beiden Helis Spielern helfen, ihre Truppen und Nachschub zu transportieren, um sich einen Vorteil gegenüber dem Feind zu verschaffen.
Auf zum Jurassic Park? In dieser Szene erinnert Arma Reforger an den berühmten Spielberg-Streifen.
Um, laut Bohemia, „ein detaillierteres und spannenderes Logistiksystem zu schaffen“, haben die Tschechen das Versorgungssystem einer Generalüberholung unterzogen. Sollen die Vorräte in früheren Versionen eher ein allgemeines „Punktesystem“ dargestellt haben, so existieren Vorräte nun als physische Assets beziehungsweise Güter, die auf beiden Inseln anzutreffen sind.
Versorgungs-Trucks rollen in Arma Reforger 1.0 mit physischen Gütern durch die Lande.
Versorgungsgüter können ab der Version 1.0 von Arma Reforger in jedes Fahrzeug geladen und „für eine Vielzahl von Zwecken verwendet werden“. Die Versorgung von Spielerbasen mit Vorräten unterstützt freilich das Vorhaben, die eigene Position auf der Insel strategisch auszubauen.
Weiterhin hat das Team von Bohemia Interactive das Arsenalmodul komplett überarbeitet sowie neue Unterstützungsstrukturen hinzugefügt; darunter befinden sich Wartungspunkte für leichte wie auch schwere Fahrzeuge, Treibstoffversorgungspunkte und Hubschrauberlandeplätze.
Highlight 3: Transportanfragen
Der dritte Versionshöhepunkt von Arma Reforger 1.0 widmet sich dem Problem, wenn Spieler von ihrem Trupp getrennt werden und sich auf Everon oder Arland verirren. In so einem Fall – und auch in anderen Fällen – lässt sich nun ein Transport zu verschiedenen Orten anfordern. Dazu bedarf es lediglich der Angabe der eigenen Koordinaten und schon ist es möglich, sich direkt in die Nähe des Truppführers oder des jeweils zugewiesenen Ziels transportieren zu lassen.
Du hast dich in Arma Reforger Verirrt? Dann ist es ab der Version 1.0 nun möglich, einen Transport anzufordern.
Es gebe jedoch auch Einschränkungen, wie die Macher in ihrem Posting zum Update wissen lassen. So lässt sich der Transport nicht beliebig oft und unter jeglichen Bedingungen anfordern. Man sei aber überzeugt davon, dass die „aktuelle Implementierung ein fairer und intuitiver Weg“ sei, den Spielern zu helfen, bei ihrem Team zu bleiben.
Highlight 4: Neue Assets
Ebenfalls neu sind in der Version 1.0 von Arma Reforger mehrere Assets verschiedener Art. Dazu zählen laut den Entwicklern:
Schraubenschlüssel und Reparatur-LKWs: Reparatur-LKWs reparieren beschädigte Fahrzeuge und können an Basen mit Wartungspunkten für schwere Fahrzeuge gespawnt werden.
Tankstellen, Lastwagen und Container: Das Betanken von Fahrzeugen in Basen ist nun mit den neuen Tankstellen oder auch auf dem Schlachtfeld mithilfe von Tankwagen und Containern möglich.
Schaufeln: Fortan muss zur Errichtung eines Stützpunktes auch zur Schaufel gegriffen werden.
Sanitätskoffer: Sanitäter dürfen sich mit einem Medikit ausrüsten und ihr Team auf den Inseln unterstützen.
Nachschubpakete: Zur mobilen Versorgung mit Munition und Sprengstoff.
6B3-Weste: Sie bietet mehr Schutz als alle andere Westen in Arma Reforger, doch aufgrund ihrer Sperrigkeit lässt sich nicht zusätzlich ein Brustpanzer tragen.
Zivile Fahrzeuge: Zivile Versionen sowjetischer Fahrzeuge, die Spieler fahren können.
Auch bei den Vehikeln bietet Arma Reforger 1.0 (zivile) Neuzugänge.
Einige Reparatur-LKWs in Arma Reforger 1.0.
Die oben aufgeführten Highlights stellen allerdings nur einen Bruchteil des Update-Umfangs dar, weshalb wir nun auch noch die originalen Patchnotes der Entwickler folgen lassen.
Arma Reforger 1.0: Die vollständigen offiziellen Patchnotes
Added: Helicopters
Added: New Support Services which bring new gameplay: Repairing and Refueling vehicles as well as allowing players to quickly resupply and heal themselves at bases
Added: Pausing simulation
Added: Prone weapon deployment for weapons with bipod
Added: Secondary damage - Supplies and fuel may create explosion damage upon destruction
Added: Secondary damage - Supplies and fuel fire effects while the vehicle is on fire
Added: Secondary damage - Supplies and fuel deteriorating while the vehicle is on fire
Added: Characters are now not ejected from vehicles upon dying
Added: Character can now fall out of an airborne vehicle during the get out animation after the GetOut_Eject animation event
Added: Character now drowns when underwater for too long
Added: Senior rifleman role for USSR faction
Added: 6B3 added to USSR arsenal
Added: Support service gadgets to be used in tandem with the support services allowing the player to repair, refuel, resupply, and heal in the field
Added: You can now load unconscious allies into friendly ambulances' patient slots
Added: Characters now respond when getting shot in the helmet but miss the head
Added: M69 Olive variant to US arsenal
Added: Hint bar to item infoWidgets in inventory
Added: Placing multiple compositions into a single location isn't possible anymore
Added: Players can now abstain from voting when a vote is active. Hiding the vote notification
Added: Voting time left to show players when a vote ends unresolved. Only visible if there is one vote in progress that the player has not voted for
Added: Ability to create multiple save files using the new "Save" toolbar action. Available only in singleplayer
Changed: Respawn screen opening delay increased
Changed: Gadgets - Allow gadget usage in turrets except for binoculars
Changed: All vehicle types are garbage managed and have a common interface in VehicleControllerComponent_SA
Changed: Another vehicle's driver becomes an instigator only if moving toward colliding vehicle
Changed: Increase Xbox persistent storage size to 25000MB
Changed: USSR Senior rifleman replaces other roles in several groups
Changed: Bandage/tourniquet reactions don't appear when not bleeding
Changed: VON is now enabled by default for unconscious characters in the Conflict and Editor gamemode
Changed: M151 turret getIn and RemoveCasualty contexts added to the bench
Changed: When taking high damage in helmets and most vests players can go unconscious
Changed: Unconsciousness screeneffect now indicates how far or close the player is to waking up
Changed: Inspect Casualty Widget now disappears after 5 seconds
Changed: You now need to have your weapon in hand to be able to reload your weapon
Changed: Disabled sorting of the playerlist as it was causing a lot of issues
Changed: Balanced helicopter damage. Increased CollisionDamage, reduced chance to light on fire, added driveShaft config and rotor_base prefab
Changed: Rotors now take CollisionDamage at lower collision speeds
Changed: Deployable radio exclusion zone for enemy bases; also enabled query for all bases, not just HQs
Fixed: The deflated model of clothes was not correctly displayed inside the inventory preview
Fixed: Exiting a turret now places the character behind it, not on top of it
Fixed: Exiting from seat when obstructed left players stranded in another seat
Fixed: Switching seats and exiting at the last second will no longer break the seat
Fixed: Vehicle ownership could be lost when any pilot compartment is exited, for now first is considered controlling
Fixed: Handbrake does not engage and the engine does not shut off if the player ejects from the vehicle's driver seat, even if driving assistance is set to full
Fixed: Engine system was only simulated if a vehicle was controlled
Fixed: Ragdoll may slide when a character is neutralized during a walk
Fixed: Weapon switching animations should now be smoother
Fixed: Fuel tank warning icon disappearing while leaking when over low fuel threshold
Fixed: Could lose magazine on the client if spamming the F-Key on the magazine in Inspection
Fixed: Spotlights with projected texture correctly update also Subsurface scattering color
Fixed: Better Subsurface scattering attenuation and diffuse normalization for spot/point lights
Fixed: Water-surface vs under-water shaders inconsistencies (especially with the water erasers)
Fixed: Character hit animation no longer plays when healing
Fixed: The preview of vehicles inside the inventory was missing some parts
Fixed: Inventory item previews are not rendering in some cases
Fixed: Explosions - Fixed a bug where explosions would deal damage multiple times to some entities, depending on the amount of parent damage managers they had in the hierarchy
Fixed: Explosions - Destructibles don't block traces to other destructible
Fixed: TaskSystem - Task list entries had flickering buttons and show on map button was not working
Fixed: DeployMenu - Task list could not be opened when clicking on the map icon, issues with keybinds and after-respawn misalignment
Fixed: Building Mode Budget Going Below Zero
Fixed: Base supplies are no longer deducted for pre-built services when loading a save
Fixed: General fixes to the voting system and player list 'player action' dropdown
Fixed: It was possible to lose a magazine when using Weapon Inspection to remove a magazine
Fixed: It was possible to switch position between isolated vehicle sections, like cargo and cabin section
Fixed: Rain effects are not visible underwater
Fixed: Weapon IK solver breaking elbows in extremes
Fixed: Game settings were not saving window mode when it was the only changed setting (#T173508)
Fixed: SpawnDecalEffect would not project on multiple entities
Fixed: Missing particle light when a particle effect instance is not updated (e.g. because of a paused game)
Fixed: Resource/Supply containers were not unregistering from interactors (Services, bases, vehicle actions, etc.) when rights or interaction rules changed
Fixed: Resource containers are now ordered properly on interactors.
Fixed: Weapon deployment made the character spin if used after getting out of the loiter animation
Fixed: Tripod turrets could store vehicles inside them.
Fixed: Supply caches now replenish resources once every hour to ensure the world doesn't run dry on supplies
Fixed: Ragdoll and dead body position desyncs
Fixed: Ragdoll LOD issues
Fixed: Dead body teleportation
Fixed: Invisible supplies had active collisions with players/vehicles
Fixed: Supplies duplication
Fixed: Support stations were not able to use supplies as the range was minimal
Fixed: Passengers in a helicopter were turned 45 degrees counter-clockwise
Fixed: Lights would turn off after the shutdown timer expired, but emissive parts would remain lit
Fixed: Vehicle previews were displayed with loaded supplies despite not having supplies
Fixed: Weapons were not rendered when viewing characters at long distance
Fixed: Bases in conflict generated supplies on initialization to the wrong priority regarding supply containers and depots.
Fixed: Gadgets - Flashlight was turning off when put away / ADS
Fixed: Gadgets - Possible to toggle the flashlight while unconscious
Fixed: It was possible to get out from a hovering helicopter. Get out action has been disabled when altitude above ground level exceeds 3 meters
Fixed: Refunding a vest in the arsenal was breaking it into its components
Fixed: Character's stance wouldn't reliably change when the character was colliding
Fixed: Inventory was not closed when a character was deleted
Fixed: Invisible supplies had collisions with projectiles and grenades
Fixed: Empty groups on Game Master are no longer visible
Balancing changes:
Supply income in bases is increased to the main base and the primary objectives
Supply income in bases is increased per each base connected via radio signal
Base structures have been reshuffled to allow more choice of vehicles in the beginning
Truck is available from the start
Helipads are only available from Sergeant
Prices are adjusted to provide meaningful choices
Vehicles are reshuffled in cost and rank to ensure more advanced vehicles are more difficult to obtain outside of the primary bases
The cost of weapons is rounded to 5 marks to make them more readable
Changed: Renamed AILimit methods so they make more sense
Changed: Adjusted AI reactions to grenades to be more human-like
Fixed: AI was not using their rifles against helicopters
Fixed: Loitering AI in Conflict sometimes ignored the enemy
Fixed: AI soldiers will now heal their unconscious teammates regardless of their threat level.
Fixed: Members of the AI group could spawn on the sea bed instead of being on the sea
Added: RCON commands support
Added: Server config param VONCanTransmitCrossFaction
Added: Streaming statistics
Changed: EnableStreaming(Con, Node) now supports hierarchy changes
Changed: Proxy vehicles are no longer simulated
Changed: NwkMovement systems now don't replicate when there are no positional changes
Changed: Post game mission restart has been enabled by default (30 seconds). It can now also be disabled using the "autoreload" CLI parameter
Changed: Marked NetScriptConnectionListener as obsolete
Changed: -disableLoadingLatestSave command line param phased out, dedicated server will no longer try to load the latest save automatically. Replaced by -loadSessionSave, which loads the latest save, and -loadSessionSave [fileName], which loads a specific save
Fixed: Ragdolls in MP stutter
Fixed: Deletion of a child in the hierarchy would not properly update the streaming state/register
Fixed: Streaming a huge number of entities in a single tick could bypass budgeting (streamsDelta)
Fixed: Proxy could clear interpolation buffer improperly, resulting in choppy vehicle movement
Fixed: Engine startup was not delayed so SCR_OnEngineStartBegin was not being called
Fixed: SCR_OnEngineStartProgress could be called when the engine was shutting down, now only when starting
Fixed: Proxy vehicle would not get proper OnEngineStartFail or SCR_OnEngineStartInterrupt callback
Fixed: Old correction could be improperly invoked
Fixed: Old vehicle correction could be invoked again upon entry, causing lerp to incorrect position
Fixed: Desync when automatically reconnecting after entering a vehicle stalled
Fixed: Drowned engine could be desynced during correction
Fixed: Small chance of animation event causing engine state desync during startup
Fixed: Vehicle correction could cause particles to have huge velocity during teleport
Fixed: Proxy vehicles would sometimes float away or become invisible
Fixed: Linear velocity allowance for cars was using angular velocity values
Fixed: Improper precision range for wheel compression codec
Fixed: DataCollectorDriverModule - Player or vehicle is null errors
Fixed: Password dialog is missing when the player accepts an invite to the passworded server while he is on another server
Fixed: Some vehicle lights would immediately go out again when switched on by a client
Fixed: Vehicle parts (rotors, wheels, etc.) couldn't be healed
Fixed: HitZone.Handle damage would not deal damage sometimes
Fixed: Vehicle lights would immediately go out again when switched on by a client
Fixed: Switching vehicle lights on the client would not always update emissive surfaces
Fixed: Compartment desynchronization when exiting the driver seat and teleporting back into it
Fixed: Game server properties were not kept after server reload
Added: Memory budget for meshes/textures resource category could be defined in game-project config
Added: Turrets can now have different angular limits based on character "stance" (sitting or standing)
Added: Fitting decals and materials for virtual ballistic protection
Added: VON usability in unconsciousness can be toggled in the new gamemode prefab attribute
Added: Audio - "Normalized" signals for aiming that are independent of limits for turrets with multiple limit sets
Added: Particle material - Overdraw Water feature
Added: SetMaxHealth now has flags to modify current health
Added: Polymorph object instance support to BaseSerializationContext
Added: ChimeraWorld::GetObservers/GetObserversMP script API. This gives the possibility to know the camera position of each player in a multiplayer environment
Added: CameraBase::IsAABBVisible/CameraBase::IsSphereVisible script API
Added: Serialization system is now saving only modified components. It is not saving all components anymore
Added: Display storage limit reached error if downloading fails due to lack of storage space
Added: "Eject unconscious and dead characters" option on BaseCompartmentSlot, which makes it possible to mark compartments that should eject characters when they become unconscious or die
Added: Script invoker to EntitySlotInfo::OnAttachedEntity and EntitySlotInfo::OnDetachedEntity
Added: It is now possible to set GetOutAligningOnEvent on doorInfo on the vehicle compartment to delay aligning the character to the exit point when exiting the vehicle (will happen at Event_GetOutAlignToExitPoint). Useful for vehicles where multiple seats exit through the same door, as part of the animation is played while still on the seat, and the rest is played at the door
Added: CharacterCommandHandlerComponent.IsItemActionLoopTag function to check for TagItemActionLoop tag added for use with continuous context actions (refueling, repairing vehicles)
Added: Exposed CharacterCommandHandlerComponent.FinishItemUse(), which can be used to successfully finish item actions with looping animations (bandaging, building)
Added: CharacterControllerComponent.TryUseItem(), CharacterControllerComponent.TryUseItemOverrideParams() have a new argument to determine if the gadget should be kept in hand after it is used
Added: Exposed CharacterCommandHandlerComponent::IsUsingItem(), which can be used to determine when the character stopped performing an item action (bandaging, arming mine, etc.)
Added: Implemented Replicated Memory Tracking for Networked Stats API
Added: _AO texture suffix for global AO texture registration in PBRMulti material
Added: More information when printing GenericEntity in the script
Added: Vehicle_ResourceComponent_Base Component Template for SCR_ResourceComponent which can be used to configure resource systems on vehicles easily
Added: SCR_SecondaryExplosions - Common secondary explosions configuration to be used with SCR_DamageManagerComponent, for multiple types of exploding or burning material
Added: SCR_DamagePassRule - for SCR_DestructibleHitzone, multiple conditions to pass specific types of damage to root or parent
Added: Flammable hitzone fire state signal name can be customized
Added: Destructible hitzone can specify the secondary explosion point, taken into account when computing the average explosion position
Added: SCR_ResourcePlayerControllerInventoryComponent for handling replication requests for sandbox resource related features and system implementations
Changed: Flammable hitzone use ComputeEffectiveDamage instead of OnDamage, allowing it to receive incendiary damage after hitzone becomes destroyed, and have separate thresholds from other types of damage
Changed: LightUserAction can now be used for all types of lights instead of specialized implementations
Changed: Engine, gearbox, and transmission hitzone template configs switched to SCR_EngineHitZone and SCR_GearboxHitZone
Changed: SCR_EArmorLevel.CUSTOM_04's value changed from 25 to 24
Changed: Interactors now process and store their last position changes
Changed: Replaced SCR_NavigationButtonComponent with SCR_InputButtonComponent
Changed: Moved common vehicle functionality and script callbacks into the base vehicle controller class
Changed: RestApi GET/POST/PUT/DELETE "Now" does not return a status message when body data are empty (#T166390)
Fixed: Reactivating VehicleBaseSimulation does not work (#T174715)
Fixed: Resource containers now always unregister if there is even a possibility of doing so on the UpdateInteractor method
Fixed: Implicit conversions in local variables in anim expressions
Fixed: Implicit conversions in conditions in anim expressions
Fixed: ScriptCompiler: "vector /= int" proper int to float conversion before division
Fixed: SCR_ItemAttributeCollection is not a selectable option for InventoryItemComponent
Fixed: RestApi no longer incorrectly returns the request data if the webserver responded with an empty response body. (#T173037)
Removed: Removed CharacterCommandSwim.WaterlevelCheck(), use new CharacterInputContext.GetWaterLevel()
Removed: Removed CharacterCommandHandlerComponent.GetRelativeWaterLevel(), use new CharacterInputContext.GetWaterLevel()
Removed: Virtual Engine and Gearbox hitzones from ground vehicles - Parent hitzones are now obsolete
Removed: Legacy wheel hitzones from ground vehicles - wheels are separate entities
Removed: CharacterControllerComponent.IsInFreeLook(). Please use the existing function CharacterControllerComponent.IsFreeLookEnabled() instead
Removed: Entity Script API - obsolete particle methods
Removed: SCR_ParticleEmitter and SCR_ParticleEmitterExtended from the game
Removed: StanceLimits property on BaseWeaponComponent. Use the new property StanceLimits on CharacterModifierAttributes (stored in ItemInventoryComponent)
Removed: EV_DIAG event mask has been removed and replaced by a diag system
Added: Mouse aircraft control option in gameplay settings
Added: Key shortcut for car high beam lights on L Hold / DPad Left Hold
Added: QoL - Mouse buttons 4/5 can be used to navigate tabs in UIs like Q/E
Added: Map tool shortcut - Compass on K / DPad Up Hold
Added: Map tool shortcut - Wristwatch on O / DPad Up Double
Added: Map tool shortcut - Protractor on B / DPad Down Hold
Added: Map tool shortcut - Pencil on N / DPad Down Double
Added: Gamepad - The radial menu can be closed also via Gamepad B
Changed: Map tool scaling to MMB / RB Click, Map tool rotation to MMB / RB Hold
Changed: Improved protractor rotation on map - follows mouse cursor while active
Changed: Improved consistency of main menu bindings
Changed: Improved flashlight control hints
Changed: KB/M - Toggle illumination moved to Ctrl + MMB, deconflicted melee
Changed: KB/M - Low ready changed to C Hold
Changed: KB/M - Low ready can work as a toggle with Raise weapon if the same key and input filter are used
Changed: Gamepad control scheme for the character has been adjusted based on community feedback and current possibilities
Changed: Gamepad - Freelook - RB Hold instead of RS Click toggle (#T169787)
Changed: Gamepad - Adjust lean to RS Hold + LS Move Horizontal, reset by sprint (was RB Hold + LS before 1.0.0, LS Hold + LS before
Changed: Gamepad - Adjust stance to RS Hold + LS Move Vertical
Changed: Gamepad - Helicopter autohover input filter to LS Click
Changed: Gamepad - Helicopter engine to LS + X (was View + X before
Changed: Gamepad - Helicopter brakes to LS + B (was View + B before
Changed: Gamepad - Car gear shifting moved from DPad L/R to Left Stick Vertical
Changed: Gamepad - Vehicle lights moved to DPad Left, consistently with Flashlight Toggle
Changed: Gamepad - Vehicle engine moved to X
Changed: Gamepad - Vehicle persistent handbrake changed from RB + A to A Double
Changed: Gamepad - Gadget shortcuts have been moved from DPad Right + XYAB to DPad Hold & Double
Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Flashlight to DPad Left Hold
Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Flashlight Toggle to DPad Left Double
Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Compass to DPad Up Hold
Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Wristwatch to DPad Up Double
Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Map to DPad Right Hold
Changed: Gamepad - Gadget Binoculars to DPad Down Hold
Changed: Default quick slot items - Tourniquet in slot 7 instead of Binocular (B, DPad Down Hold)
Changed: Default quick slot items - Morphine in slot 8 instead of Map (M, DPad Right Hold)
Changed: Default quick slot items - Radio in slot 9 instead of Compass (K, DPad Up Hold) - may change in future versions
Changed: Default quick slot items - Building tool in slot 0
Changed: Default "Inspect item" binding changed to Hold R / Hold X on the controller
Changed: Default "Rotate inspected item" changed to Click R on keyboard / Click X on controller
Changed: VON radial menu - Tune frequency with Mouse Wheel / DPad Up/Down, modifier is removed
Changed: VON radial menu - Cycle channel with Q/E / DPad Left/Right
Changed: Jump out actions - 2x instead of Hold, to better prevent accidental ejections
Changed: KB/M - Bigger steps of walking speed adjustment
Fixed: Map gamepad cursor was resetting during dragging or rotating
Fixed: Input: "virtual" +/- inputs for axis ignored "main" input source blocking by combo. Adjusting zoom with Alt + Wheel shall no longer change movement speed
Fixed: XBox gamepad disconnects popup logic. The popup is now skipped if the keyboard is connected
Fixed: EndScreen - Debriefing screen could not be opened via keyboard/controller
Fixed: EndScreen - Debriefing screen Chat and GM buttons could not be used via keyboard/controller
Fixed: Keybinding - Game was freezing after pressing the Reset to Default/Unbind button in the controls settings
Fixed: Gamepad - Inverting aiming at the controller should not affect the helicopter's cyclic. Thanks to scalespeeder for the report!
Fixed: Gamepad - Wrong scaling of diagonal controller inputs, causing rectangular movement instead of oval. Thanks to bigbe28 for the report!
Fixed: Gamepad - Left Trigger adjustable focus delay was interrupted upon key frames, resulting in erratic focusing when toggling ADS (#T176262)
Removed: Gamepad - Focus removed from RS Hold - was duplicated with LT
Removed: Gamepad - Toggle freelook removed from RS Click - now freelook is on RB Hold
Added: Support for file tagging and filtering based on it
Added: Particle Editor - Improved ways of selecting emitters
Fixed: Light source visualization now respects the enabled/disabled state of the light entity
Fixed: UI layout editor - Incorrect behavior during property editing
Fixed: Disabled import of resources while scripts are not compilable
Fixed: ScriptDebugger - Breakpoint duplication after recompiling on host
Fixed: Switching World Editor back from full-screen not retaining window position
Fixed: Disallowed publishing of read-only (packed) projects
Fixed: Incorrect update size if storage was full on Xbox
Fixed: Xbox - workshop updates would always fail for addons greater than 2GB
Game Master
Added: It is now possible to block the placing of new entities in Game Master through SCR_PlacingEditorComponent
Added: Game Master's Budget System now supports the ability to reserve a specific amount of budget and release the reserved budget at any specific time
Added: When there is no local player in the world, pressing the 'Home' key in the Game Master interface now teleports the camera to where it was when the interface was opened
Added: Map Locations can now be extended by pre-configured compositions from Game Master
Added: Mines have been added to Game Master mode, allowing Game Masters to place mines
Added: Localization for Game Master's Slot Tooltips
Added: Ability to load a specific file using the new "Load" toolbar action. Also available for Game Masters connected to a server
Added: Toolbar action for pausing game simulation in the Game Master toolbar
Added: Vehicles that have players inside are now identified as Player-Owned within Game Master
Fixed: Placing a spawn point or composition with a spawn point in Game Master automatically enables the faction if it's disabled
Fixed: Rotation indicator in the Game Master interface was sometimes aligned incorrectly to the surface below
Fixed: Dead player body tagged as Unknown Player in Game Master
Fixed: Content Browser in Game Master not displaying the correct budget
Fixed: Dead Player's name is "unknown player" on Game Master
Fixed: ArmaVision camera snapping to the ocean when opened by players without Game Master privilege
Fixed: Placeholder images showing up on Game Master's Content Browser
Fixed: Entity icons in Game Master were not updated when a dialog window was opened on top (e.g. when editing attributes)
Fixed: In Game Master, the "Snap to terrain" context action was available even for composition slots or location labels but did not do anything. The action is no longer shown in this situation
Fixed: "Open Game Master" button as shown in the pause menu even when the mission did not offer to become a Game Master (e.g., Conflict)
Fixed: In Game Master, it was possible to move soldiers onto a dead body, implying that they should join its non-existent group
Fixed: Flushing entities in Game Master.
Fixed: Double-clicking on the AI group did not include group members in the properties windows, as opposed to RMB > Edit Properties (#T172196)
Fixed: When moving players in Game Master, 3rd person's view and pose in turrets might become wrong
Fixed: Game Master compositions could be placed in positions where it shouldn't be possible.
Playable Content
Added: ScenarioFramework - Inventory and Tasks Actions
Added: ScenarioFramework - Medical actions
Added: ScenarioFramework - Dynamic Spawn/Despawn
Added: ScenarioFramework - Compositions of common Tasks
Added: Helicopters as a possible target for Task Destroy in CombatOps on Arland
Added: Conflict - New XP rules: Penalty for suicide, award for veterancy and radio operators
Added: Conflict - Reintroduced XP rewards for supply deliveries
Added: Conflict - Gradual seizing timer decay
Added: Conflict - Respawn delay penalty for repeated suicides
Changed: Conflict - Rank progression reward for delivering supplies increased by 100%
Changed: Conflict - Veterancy reward threshold
Changed: Conflict - Base seizing timer is no longer for each service type built into it
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Slot preview persists after moving it in the hierarchy
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - ScenarioFramework slot preview persisted after deletion
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Randomization not working as supposed
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Task Defend caused VME and notifications were not working in MP
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Missing default waypoint for SlotKill and SlotDefend
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Undo/Redo actions on ScenarioFramework components caused asserts in Workbench
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Additional QRF groups in CO weren't spawning on the server
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - SlotDelivery broke when entering the trigger area without the item being delivered (#T176067)
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Intel item gets deleted by GarbageManager if it is not picked up soon after spawning
Fixed: Debriefing - Player is told "Good job" while defeated
Fixed: Tutorial - Missing hint for taking out protractor in Navigation
Fixed: Tutorial - Active tasks outside of seizing tutorial
Fixed: Conflict - Supply count can go into negative numbers with several players spawning on the same deploy point
Fixed: Conflict - Bases are no longer marked as out of signal range when covered by both the Mobile Command Unit and radio tower while reaching only the tower
Fixed: Crash when getting default magazine name on a muzzle without magazine template set
Fixed: Proxy vehicle particles would have huge velocity during the teleport
Fixed: Possible GPU crash in sky rendering
Fixed: World Editor - Crash when adding a new script event handler to an entity by clicking a plus button
Fixed: Crash when exiting application after load of mission saves
Fixed: Crash when editing invalid anim graph while the World Editor is running
Fixed: ContainerSerializationSaveContext::WriteValue crash on a nested array with weak references (#T173900)
Fixed: Memory leak when shooting with a grenade launcher or a portable launcher
Fixed: UI: RichTextWidget would crash when providing an empty markup tag
Fixed: Addon handling: Server startup got stuck during download with a specifically corrupted local addon
Fixed: Crash when destroying multiple mines at the same time
Fixed: Crash when clicking proceed in the briefing screen
Fixed: Crash after reactivating character physics if the character was in a collision when its physics were deactivated
Fixed: Server crash when interrupting weapon change
Fixed: Crash when moving a large number of entities in World Editor in Workbench
Fixed: Crash on Xbox when a particle effect with a nonexistent particle prefab is simulated
Fixed: Crash on Xbox caused by birds
Fixed: Crash when damaging hitzones attached to colliders after a model swap.
Fixed: Crash when neutralizing some sub-compositions from GM
Fixed: Dropping a magazine while reloading could lead to a server crash
Fixed: TaskSystem - Tasks with unassigned faction threw VME on UpdateMapTaskIcon
Changed: Improved server performance
Fixed: Server fps issues related to getting in non-vehicle turrets
Added: GetLocalIdentityId() to get the local identity ID of the client
Changed: Ban commands are now defined in the script and use the new BanServiceApi
Fixed: Server can show an addon list of previously focused server
Known Issues
Supply amount on bases is 0 after loading session save
Players are unable to change stance after getting dragged from the vehicles when they are unconscious
Getting into an unconscious state while leaving the vehicle can lead to player desync
Players sometimes cannot join already existing groups on the server after they connect
Persistent Sprint and Aiming Down Sights controls do not register properly when using a controller
Characters in the turrets sometimes start drifting away creating a surrealistic portrait of a man with really long arms holding a turret
The base will sometimes show the supply count in a decimal number
Some items in the inventory can look blurry and with low poly texture
UI in the vehicle or the turret can be hard to see
Composition holograms completely blind players when they are building structures with a shovel
FidelityFX Super Resolution reset after changing the Quality preset
Moving items in the inventory while using Arsenal will consume these items
Players that die with the shovel equipped will see the composition holograms even without it
The supply amount in build mode does not update correctly
AIs will continue firing in the same direction from turrets if they fall unconscious
AIs from the Living Quarters gather together when defending the base
Players are sometimes not able to repair some zones on vehicles
M998 is getting caught on small curbs and other small objects
Some fortifications are getting deleted on the server after placement
Building previews are rarely visible for players without shovel equipped
Players sometimes see only the disassemble action on recently placed composition
The backpack is not visible in inventory after being equipped
Missing clutter on Radeon cards post 23.9.1 driver
Taking a medical box after dragging and dropping it into the sub-inventory breaks UI
AI aims slowly with turrets
Exiting flipped vehicle can place character under the ground
The camera in the vehicle can shake violently when traveling
The player needs to exit and re-enter the vehicle for the issue to stop happening
Saved loadout preview doesn't show body parts
Game Master
Players getting killed by GM are punished for suicide
Deleting all dead bodies and destroyed vehicles with the GM can lead to the kick of all GMs from the server
Workaround: Delete entities in smaller batches
Players leaving GM on a populated server have a higher chance of being kicked from the server
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Nach seinem Schulabschluss wollte Alex zunächst Instrumentalmusik studieren. Schließlich schlug er jedoch eine Karriere als Videospieljournalist ein, die er unter anderem beim renommierten Ehapa-Verlag begann. Heute teilt Alex sein umfangreiches Fachwissen über Videospiele mit Guided. Er profitiert von über 40 Jahren Erfahrung mit PC- und Konsolenspielen sowie seiner Arbeit in der Spieleentwicklung für das Indie-Studio Knights of Bytes. Alex weiß, wie Videospiele funktionieren, und er versteht es, sein Wissen auf verständliche Weise zu vermitteln.