Sons of The Forest hat heute den neuesten Content-Patch 4 erhalten und bringt mit dem neuen Update Timmy, den Fans aus Teil 1 kennen sowie eine Kamera und viele Anpassungen.
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Timmy & Action-Cam - Alle Neuerungen im Sons of The Forest Update 4
Das Update im Überblick: Im neuesten Update zu Sons of The Forest bekommst du einen neuen Begleiter, eine Action-Cam einige neue Sehenswürdigkeiten und viele Anpassungen am aktuellen Content.
Begleiter Timmy ist dabei
Aus dem ersten Teil kennen viele Spieler Timmy als den vermissten Jungen, den es im Verlauf der Geschichte zu finden gilt. Am Ende des ersten The Forest sehen wir Timmy, wie er sich auf den Trip auf die Insel aus Teil 2 vorbereitet. Auch in einer Cutscene in Sons of The Forest 2 -- kurz vor Ende -- taucht er kurz auf. Timmy ist mit Update 4 jetzt als Begleiter verfügbar, der mit dir gemeinsam auf Mutanten-Jagd geht.
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In Sons of The Forest kannst du jetzt eine Action-Cam und ein erstes „Lost Tapes"-Video finden. Mit der Kamera kannst du dann die verlorenen Aufnahmen abspielen. Auf diesen sind Geschichten von der Insel zu sehen, die dir Hinweise darauf geben, was vorgefallen ist.
Weitere Verbesserungen im Sons of The Forest Update 4
Kelvin can now carry 2 logs at a time!
Brighter night vision goggles
Added snow impact effects to snow crash cutscene
Longer Timmy fighting demon boss intro animation
High sentiment Virginia should now visit player more often
Added more spots in villages for cannibals to stand watch or sit around
Muddies are now more likely to flee when scared
Cannibals now sometimes look at each other when not fighting
Cannibals have new animation variations for running and lunging attacks making them more evasive in combat
Cannibal creepy and leaf armor will now be visually broken and knocked off when hit
Female cannibals will sometimes drink blood from village troughs or from dead animals, cheer for other family members and occasionally dance to radio music
Male cannibal will now sometimes bash dead bodies of enemies
Skinned small animals now will have skinned visuals. Specifically the rabbit, squirrel, eagle, duck, seagull, land turtle
Low health Deer and Moose will sometimes lay down and rest
Add a wetness amount per character that increases when submerged in water or cleaning in water, and reduces over time when not
Dead bodies now get washed (blood/dirt) in water
Increased Deer bleeding and increased damage caused by hitting front body
Bird flight speed increased by a small percentage
Torn silver jacket added to end mutant
Added some ducks on the golf course
Added north arrow guide to mini map
Ballistic impact effects from other players will now be visible in multiplayer
Armor is now dropped if the player does not have available space for it if it's cycled off being worn
Grenades and bombs will now play a water explosion effect when thrown in water
Dead cultists clothing is now bloody
Added more flower wreaths on some dead cultists
Added new binder prop to security rooms
Improved some of the lighting in bunker residential
Improved armor rack LOD
Added binoculars, night vision goggles, wire and lightbulbs to quick select slots
3D Printer readouts should update more accurately now
Fallen Log E scaled down to 65% size
Some fixes for open edges on cliff above golf course
New lake added to golf course
Kelvin can now finish building shelves
Setup LOD’s for logs in storage holders
GPS map updated to include all current ponds and lakes
Removed location pins from opening cutscene laptop screen
Alle Fixes im Update 4 von Sons of The Forest
‘I Dream of Sushi’ achievement is once again achievable
Fix for players game hanging when switching from empty slingshot to another ranged weapon that has swappable ammo
Player should no longer get into a bad state if they are spamming a weapon hotkey while opening a door with a keycard
Animal Hide and tech mesh will now be greyed out on the grab bag when interacting with an armor rack
Removed rebinding for back action
Fixed lone life jacket floating in sky
Fixed issue where option menu could be opened at the end of loading screen
Fixed some missing player disconnected notifications
Fix for not being able to drink from deep bodies of water
Crafted spears no longer fall through cave floors
When a storage structure is destroyed and stored pickups are spawned, it is now spread over multiple frames to ease the performance overhead and create less frame stutter
Fixed issue where the left side UI notifications would stop showing up after the player has died
Trying to equip your left hand item light is now blocked when the player is in another action
Fix for collider not being enabled on dynamic pickups sometimes
Fix for pause menu continuing to add force to players on ziplines
Fixed some initialization issues causing DLSS to not be enabled by default / after reset settings
Added harsh slope limitation to block riding knight V up steep slopes
Added localization credit names and fixed font for fallback characters
Fix for player crouching while riding Knight V
Fixed being able to dismember dead cannibal without destroying armor on the limb first
Fixed big hut destruction sometimes leaving a floating corpse and standing walls with no collision
Fix for the quick select bag getting stuck in the players hands or getting stuck in a bad state if it is triggered at the exact same time as the player begins swimming
Fixed Kelvin carry radio position
Fix for clients in multiplayer sometimes seeing muddy cannibal hit reacts have standing glitch frames
Fixed muddy cannibal leaf piles sometimes not showing for multiplayer clients
Fixed multiplayer clients not seeing Kelvin carried arrows properly
Fixed multiplayer clients sometimes doing first note long animation on first interact with Kelvin
Fixed a case where clients could see and interact with a "ghost" Kelvin not at his real position
Some fixes for Virginia washing in waterfall, and will now occur at more waterfalls around the map
Virginias GPS will now retain the assigned icon when given to her
Fix for Virginia or Kelvin sometimes getting stuck in sitting animation
Fix thrown small rocks falling through ground when bouncing
Fixed silenced pistol shot being heard as regular shot by other players
Fixed case of player getting stuck in skinning action
Shovel attack will now slow down when low stamina
Fixed wrong ceiling panel in bunker entertainment
Fixed destroying defensive wall log with spike not using the right model for the spawned pickup, also solved the scaling issue
Fixed cutting defensive wall spike not working in some cases
Fixed scaling of destroyed rock reinforcement pickups
Fixed destroyed defensive wall spikes of quarter Logs not working properly
Destroying ramps a solar panel is on now spawns a pickup
Placed solar panels now have collision
Fixed a specific case where connecting Electric Wires would not work
Fixed bug causing incorrect count of light bulbs and solar panels received on pickup
Fixed case that allowed placing a Beam connecting two structures from unaligned grids, resulting in a degenerate stretched or compressed Beam
Fixed Lookout tower placement being blocked if there is a Defensive Wall underneath the overlook
Fixed One sided apex blocking placing Pillars on top of Ramps
Removed switch mode UI prompt that didn't do anything when placing a Defensive Wall Gate
Fixed an issue that would result in multiplayer clients unable to build anything or receive construction updates from the host
Fixed case where snow & wetness occlusion as well as solar panel initialization didn't work for tree structures
Fixed case where removing an electric wire didn't work properly and could prevent the underlying power grid system from splitting in two and behaving as expected
Fixed case where a leaning beam snap point would be invalid (arrow in red) when it should be allowed
Fixed issue when loading a save that could prevent other features such as placing ramps from functioning properly
Fixed a case where a free pillar in middle of a grounded beam grid would cause degenerate leaning beam placements
Fixed destroying solar panel support not cascading to the solar panel
Fixed issue where drinking while holding multiple log planks could result in broken animation state
Fixed case where non log items spawned by construction system would fall through the ground
Fixed destroyed log pickups ending up with oversized collision
Fixed destroyed non log element pickups not matching physics with the visual in some cases
Fixed structure collapse applying delay between elements even if it doesn't spawn a pickup, resulting in weird behavior when destroying the fire wood stack for example
Fixed some issues with Beams leaned down slopes from Walls, which were incorrectly displaying the lift preview prompt and placing awkwardly
Fixed issue causing some missing Beam snap points after removing a pillar supporting a beam that is also supported by a Wall
Fixed multiplayer issue where players enter a broken state if killed while starting to climb a rope
Fixed multiplayer issue where placing a stick or rock path would wrongly show up for remote players while placing it, which could lead to game breaking issues
Fixed multiplayer issue with physics doors that could prevent clients from locking it if it was stuck open on host side
Fixed players able to remove chairs and benches from under seated AI or remote players
Fixed destroyed defensive walls built with non-full Logs reverting to unsharpened state
Fixed element collapse order for apex & one-sided apex, ensuring top elements break before lower ones
Fixed one-sided apex behaving oddly when hit with a repair tool
Fixed issue preventing placing a Beam from a Pillar to the top of a Leaning Beam if there is another Beam linked
Fixed case where Leaning Beams were not being repaired properly
Fixed issue with Beams supported by a low Ramp that would prevent removal of the Beam and add a degenerate Pillar placement
Fixed multiplayer issue where players could dismantle a Log from a Wall and add a Wall Beam simultaneously, resulting in a floating Beam
Das Interesse, tief in die Spieleindustrie einzutauchen, rührt von der DayZ-Mod für Arma 2 im Jahr 2012 her. Kevin begann 2016 in der Gaming-Branche zu arbeiten. Zunächst als Praktikant bei Survivethis, der damals größten deutschen Survival-Games-Site. Nur ein halbes Jahr später wurde er bei Gamestar und später bei MeinMMO angenommen. Auf setzt er nun sein ganzes Wissen ein, um umfassende News, Guides, Interviews und weitere einzigartige Themen zu liefern.