
Diablo 4 Fallen Temple Tier 4 Capstone Dungeon Walkthrough

Published: Jun. 15, 2023
Updated: Jun. 15, 2023

German English

Diablo 4 is a game with a large open world in which you will encounter many different dungeons of varying difficulty and sometimes it is quite a challenge to complete them. Therefore, in this guide, we will walk you through the Fallen Temple Capstone dungeon in Diablo 4.

This dungeon is the end of World Tier 3 and by finishing it, you can unlock World Tier 4, which gives you access to a new level of difficulty and new game content. So let's not waste any time and get started.

Diablo 4 Fallen Temple Dungeon Location

Diablo 4 Fallen Temple Dungeon Location

Fallen Temple Dungeon is located on the outskirts of Chambatar Ridge. You will find a screenshot with its exact location above. When you get to it, you just need to enter the gate, but you should be very well prepared because it is a quite tough dungeon.

Tier 4 Capstone Fallen Temple Dungeon Walkthrough

When you enter the dungeons, your task is to find two stones and place them on the right pedestals. As you collect these stones, you will receive stackable debuffs depending on the location you decide to go first. We'll explain what they do and how to deal with them below, but first let's dive into the step-by-step walkthrough of this dungeon:

Gluttonous Chapel

The first location to visit is the Gluttonous Chapel:

  • So, first, turn left and find the gate labeled Sigil of the Weak and activate it.
  • Go through this gate to the Gluttonous Chapel location.
  • Beware of the monsters and follow along the dungeon.
  • After a while, you'll come across a room with a red sphere-shaped barrier.
  • Click on this barrier to start the Survive the Trial of the Weak quest.
  • You will be attacked by many enemies, you have to defeat them all.
  • After the monsters are destroyed, the barrier will disappear.
  • You will need to return the Bloodstone to the pedestal.
  • To do this, simply pick it up and return it to the pedestal at the starting location.

It is important to note that after you return the Bloodstone, you will be subject to a debuff. Below we have described what this debuff is and how to deal with it.

Curse of the Weak Debuff

This curse increases the damage you take from enemies by one percent every five seconds, which can be increased up to 50 times. Killing enemies reduces stuck by one. Be careful to remove enemies quickly to prevent this debuff from becoming overwhelming.

Cursed Halls

Cursed Halls is the second location you will have to go through. Below we have described how to do this, but keep in mind that you will be affected by the mentioned debuff:

  • Cursed Halls is located directly from the entrance to the dungeon.
  • When you enter this location you will meet a large number of enemies, be careful as they are quite strong.
  • Over time, you will come across the Idol of the Fallen Temple, an elite enemy that you will need to defeat.
  • After defeating it, you will find a Stone Carving.
  • Take it and place it on the pedestal.

Just like last time, after you return the Stone Carving, you will be subject to a debuff.

Curse of the Indolent Debuff

Every five seconds, this curse increases the duration of Crowd Control effects on you by one percent. This debuff can quickly become dangerous if it reaches a high stuck. To deal with it, just like with the previous curse, simply destroy enemies.

Cathedral of Flesh

The last location is the Cathedral of Flesh, you will find instructions on how to get through it below:

  • You will unlock the previously closed passage to the Cathedral of Flesh.
  • You need to Collect Animus from the Cannibals. To do this, defeat all the enemies in the location, which is also a rather difficult stage because the enemies will be very strong.
  • After that, you need to Deposit Animus into the Urn.
  • Find the urn near the big gate and click on it.
  • Two guards will be waiting for you near the gate, and you'll need to defeat them.
  • Enter the gate and head to the boss.

Read more: Iron Hold Dungeon Location, Walkthrough, and Guide in Diablo 4

Elias, Hatred’s Remnant Boss Guide

Elias, Hatred’s Remnant Boss in Diablo 4

Elias, Hatred's Remnant will be waiting for you in this location. Below we'll give you some tips to help you defeat him:

Frontal Cone Attack

Watch out for Elias' frontal cone attack. Avoid standing in its path, as it can deal significant damage to anyone caught within its reach.

Avoid Fireballs

During the fight, Elias will also summon fireballs. Watch their trajectory and dodge them quickly to avoid being harmed.

Summoning Minions

During the battle, Elias will summon three minions to help him. Kill them quickly, because their combined power can defeat even the most experienced adventurers. Focus your attacks on the minions, but keep an eye on Elias' movements.

Pools of Blood

One of Elias' most dangerous abilities is his ability to shoot pools of blood. Stay away from them, as they can do significant damage if you hit them. Keep your distance and position yourself strategically to stay out of their range. And while you are here, make sure to check our guide on how to show the Ancient Statue You Keep the Traditions in Diablo 4.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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