
Grounded: Find Grave Robbery Castle.L Chip in Red Ant Hill

Published: Oct. 06, 2022
Updated: Jan. 19, 2023

German English

In Grounded there are a lot of different Castle.L chips that you can use to buy new upgrades from the Burgl-Bot. One of the more complicated chips is the Grave Robbery Castle.L Chip or the Red Ant Hill Castle.L Chip, which we'll show you where to find now!

What do you need the chip for? In order to get all the tool and weapon upgrades in Grounded, you need to collect the Burg.L Chips and hand them in to the corresponding client. For turning them in you will receive Raw Science, which is currency for upgrades. In doing so, there are chips that are obviously lying around in the game world of Grounded and then there is the Grave Robbery Burg.L Chip in the Red Ant Hill and we will show you how to find that.

Red Ant Hill "Grave Robbery" Castle.L Chip Location & Reward

Where can you find the Castle.L Chip? First of all, you need to get to the Red Ant Mound, which we'll mark for you on the map below -- Why not use Grounded's interactive map to help you find your way? Take a torch, your best armor, and a weapon, it will be dangerous! Once inside the lair, simply follow the first corridor until you come across the first brood chamber. From here you'll need good directions:

  • Go straight through the first chamber in the ant hill.
  • You will then come across a large room riddled with roots. Here you can either follow a passage straight ahead, go left-center down a slope, or go far left through a passage overgrown with red plants -- choose the latter.
  • If you follow the passage, you'll come across another fork in three directions: Left, right, and down. There is a hole in the floor, into which you have to jump. Hold the wall on your left and follow it for a few meters.
  • In the corner there is a small white box. This is the Grave Robbery Burg.L Chip, which you now just need to bring to the surface.

How do you escape from the anthill? To leave the red ant hill, turn around. Follow the passage for a few meters until it splits into 3. Left is wrong, far right is wrong, take the middle! The passage now leads you back to the first brood chamber. From here, choose the first possibility to turn right. You're already back on the surface.


Choose the right path here. You can't see that it's actually in the middle.

Deliver grave robbery chip to Burg.L - Here is the Roboknilch

The fastest way to get to Burg.L is in his station below the oak tree. Here you need to look for a place where a charred oak leaf lies on the ground along with purple shimmering matter. Climb under the oak leaf and you'll find the entrance to Burg.L's lab. Hand over the chip here and collect your reward.

  • Reward for Grave Robbing Burg.L Chip in Grounded
    • 1,000 Raw Science

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The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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