
How to Change Faction In Party Animals

Published: Oct. 09, 2024
Updated: Oct. 09, 2024


Party Animals is now running a new event, and you'll need to join either Team Meow or Team Woof. This is an important choice, as it will affect not only your gaming experience but also possible rewards. However, if you made a mistake in choosing a faction, we'll tell you how to change it and if it's even possible, as we've experienced this problem ourselves.

Content of the guide: Below you will learn how to change your faction in Party Animals.

  • Learn why you can't change your faction in Party Animals.
  • Find out how, despite the fact that you can't change your faction, to still get rewards from the team pass you want.

Party Animals: How to Change Faction

Party Animals - Animals

If at the beginning of the event, when picking a faction, you chose the wrong one, or if you change your mind and want to switch your team, unfortunately, you will not be able to do so. The decision you made from the very beginning is permanent, so the only way out is to change your game account to one where you have not yet chosen a faction.

It works this way because of the essence of the event that takes place in the game, namely the war between Team Meow and Team Woof. Sooner or later, one of them will begin to prevail over the other, and to prevent players from switching to a stronger team, creating a total imbalance, but instead of fighting for their faction, this restriction was introduced. 

If you are not lucky enough to get into the desired team, do not be disappointed. Gather your courage and cooperate with those who have already chosen to win the war, because in this case, you can earn some fantastic rewards. As you play and accumulate XP through your faction pass, that experience contributes to your faction’s overall score. Ultimately, the faction with the highest total XP will be crowned the winner.

Once you reach tier 30, you’ll enjoy a 60% discount on the ultimate mystery outfit, and if your faction emerges victorious, that outfit will be entirely free. Additionally, after reaching tier 30, you can spy on the opposing faction to unlock their pass rewards. It’s also worth noting that the winning faction can purchase both their own and the other faction's ultimate mystery outfits, while the losing faction will be limited to buying only their own.

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