How to Find Forevermore Orchestrion Roll Curiosity in Final Fantasy 16

Published: Jun. 22, 2023
Updated: Jun. 22, 2023


On this page, we're going to show you how to find Forevermore Orchestrion Roll Curiosity in Final Fantasy 16. Orchestrion Rolls are a type of collectible that you can find around the world that unlocks new music tracks.

In our opinion, these collectibles are much more interesting because they give you a new experience, while in other games you just get an achievement for collecting items. There are 17 Orchestrion Rolls in the game and it is worth collecting all of them, so we will tell you how to find one of them - Forevermore Orchestrion Roll.

How to Find Forevermore Orchestrion Roll Curiosity in Final Fantasy 16

Final Fantasy 16: Map

You can find Forevermore Orchestrion Roll in Martha's Rest which is located in Central Rosaria. The best way to get there is to travel to Obelisk which is located in Martha's Rest and is very close to the cache with Orchestrion Roll. Near the Obelisk you can find a well with a blue shimmer, so go towards it and then when you hit a wall, go to the right to a narrow dead-end street. There will be a chest behind the barrels and it's in it that you'll find the Forevermore Orchestration Roll.

These items have nothing to do with the story or gameplay, but when you find all the Orchestrion Rolls, you will get the For the Hoard achievement and have a good collection of music. But not all Orchestrion Rolls will be hidden in hidden places in chests. You can also get them for completing quests or simply buy some of them.

Read more: Final Fantasy 16: Exact Release-Time and will the New Zealand Trick Work?

That was all the information on how to find Forevermore Orchestrion Roll Curiosity in Final Fantasy 16. Although this is only one thing out of 17, we hope that we have helped you and that you will find them all soon. Also, if you want to know how to unlock all achievements in Final Fantasy 16, here we have a perfect guide for you!

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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