How to Get a Snow Berry in Lego Fortnite

Published: Dec. 09, 2023
Updated: Dec. 09, 2023

German English

Snow Berry is one of the plants in Lego Fortnite that will be a useful resource for your survival. We found these berries in cold regions, but it was not an easy task. This guide contains all the necessary information about how to get a Snow Berry in Lego Fortnite.

Contents of the Guide: In this guide, you will find tips to help you find a Snow Berry in Lego Fortnite. Don't miss these berries because they will help you survive.

  • You can find Snow Berries by entering a cold area on the map.
  • Use Snow Berry to protect yourself from heat damage.
  • Make a Snowberry Shake by upgrading Snow Berry.

Lego Fortnite: How to Get a Snow Berry

Lego Fortnite: Snow Berry

In the world of Lego Fortnite, you have to adapt to any challenges, especially if they are related to temperature, and Snow Berries will help you with this. Just as the name suggests, you can find them in the chilly and cold regions. Look for any area that is marked in blue and look for the Snowberry Plants there. These regions are the Snow Mountains, Grasslands biome, or Frost Lands. Collect some Snow Berry's and read on to learn how to use them.

Lego Fortnite: How to Use a Snow Berry

Lego Fortnite: Snowberry Shake

Players can use Snow Berries for many reasons. Snow Berries give you unique power-ups and abilities, so make sure you have plenty to use during your journey. Here are the benefits of using Snow Berries:

  • Since it is a berry, it will help you restore your energy and regain your health, just eat it.
  • Snow Berries allow you to gain protection from heat damage by providing a two-minute heat resistance effect.
  • You can also extend the effect of heat resistance by making a Snowberry Shake.
  • If you are hot, eat a Snow Berry to feel cool.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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