In addition to fishing, in Go Fishing you will have to complete various quests. And some of them will reward you with unique equipment that will help you swim underwater. So in this guide, we will tell you how to get a Snorkel in Go Fishing.
Contents of the guide: Below, you will learn how to get Snorkel in Go Fishing.
Snorkel is an important piece of equipment in Go Fishing. With it, you can explore not only the islands but also underwater locations. However, it cannot be purchased from a merchant or found as loot. Instead, you have to complete a Ghost Pirate quest to get the Snorkel in Go Fishing.
First, visit Deep Waters Island. There, near the pier, you will be able to find a Ghost Pirate NPC. He has quite a few dialogue options, so you will have to spend a little time before he gives you a quest to catch 3 Soul Fisher. And when you give these fish to the Ghost Pirate, he will reward you with the Snorkel in Go Fishing.
Unlike most fish in Go Fishing, the Soul Fisher is an event catch that can only be obtained by fishing in the Ghost Ship location. It randomly spawns every 30 minutes on the server. But you should hurry to it right away because after 10 minutes the event will despawn. Fortunately, you will receive a corresponding notification when the Ghost Ship event starts.
Also, Soul Fisher has 1 in 25.75K rarity. So we recommend that you use your best fishing rods to catch them. After that, you have to work in this location until you get Soul Fisher.
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