
How To Unlock Castle (Majestic Manor) In Lego Fortnite

Published: Dec. 11, 2023
Updated: Dec. 11, 2023


Some of the most beautiful and impressive buildings are in the Majestic Manors tab, but not all players understand how to access them. We also wanted to build ourselves a beautiful stone castle, and it took us some time to get it. Now, we are ready to share our experience with you and tell you how to unlock Castle (Majestic Manor) in Lego Fortnite.

Content of the guide: In this guide, you'll learn how to access the Majestic Manor buildings.

  • Find out what steps you need to take to get access to the Majestic Manor buildings.
  • Full list of available buildings in the Majestic Estate tab.

Lego Fortnite: How to Unlock Majestic Manor Buildings

Lego Fortnite: Majestic Manor Buildings

To get access to Majestic Manor, you will need to place your village in the Dry Valley area. The main point of why you can't get access is that you simply built a village in the wrong biome. For example, players usually start their gane in Grasslands and thus get access to building completely different structures.

By building here, you will progress in a completely different branch of construction, which will eventually give you access to build Majestic Manor. Once you do this, you can create a variety of buildings from this tab, and when properly arranged, it will look like a huge castle. You can make it bigger or smaller by using different structures. In total, you will have access to 6 constructions. Here is the full list of them, with all the information about both upfront and total cost:

Building Name Upfront cost Total Cost
Manor Gates Granite x10
  • Wood x2
  • Granite x46
Humble Manor Granite x23
  • Wood x30
  • Granite x161
Manor Stables Granite x24
  • Wood x47
  • Granite x106
Tower Manor Granite x51
  • Wood x26
  • Granite x453
Noble Manor Granite x69
  • Wood x66
  • Granite x302
Grand Manor Granite x115
  • Wood x103
  • Granite x603

So, to achieve the desired result, it is better to give preference to the building of a village in the desert from the very beginning.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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