
Remnant 2: How to Upgrade the Dragon Heart Uses

Published: Jul. 25, 2023
Updated: Jul. 25, 2023


Monsters and bosses will punish you for every mistake you make by taking away a lot of health. Fortunately, you can restore your HP with the Heart Relic, so below you will learn how to upgrade the Dragon Heart uses in Remnant 2.

When you start, Dragon Heart will only have three charges. But there are a few ways to upgrade it. Without further ado, let’s start.

How to Upgrade the Dragon Heart in Remnant 2

Dragon Heart in Remnant 2

The main method of upgrading the Dragon Heart that you will use throughout the game is an NPC named Wallace. Like most other NPCs, he is located in Ward 13. To upgrade the relic you will have to spend 1000 Scrap, 25 Lumenite Crystals, and 1 Simulacrum.

  • Scrap: it is the easiest resource to find in the game as you can get it from enemies, chests, bosses, for quests, and other stuff.
  • Lumenite Crystals: these are a bit rarer, but they also drop from elite enemies and bosses. You can also buy it from Ace, who, like Wallace, is located in Ward 13. You can also get additional Lumenite Crystals with the Luminescent Trait which, depending on your level, gives you a certain chance to double the drop of this material from elite enemies.
  • Simulacrum: it is much harder to find than other materials, but you will be able to buy one at the beginning of the game. It is sold by Cass, another NPC from Ward 13, but its price will be 1500 Scrap, so it is better to play a little until this price is not so high for you. You can also find Simulacrum in every biome, but it can be difficult as they drop from some bosses or are in specific places that can be easily missed.

Read more: How To Get Pulse Rifle & Atom Smasher in Remnant 2

There is also another way to get more Dragon Heart charges in the game, but it does not upgrade the relic. You can get two Relic charges by equipping a ring called Tear of Kaeula. This is very useful because you don't have to spend resources on it, but you have to find this ring first and it takes up a slot that you might want to use for another ring.

In Remnant 2, you often lose health, so having extra Relic charges to restore it is very important. We hope our article will help you to increase the capacity of your Dragon Heart. And while you are here, make sure to check our guide on how to get Meridian in Remnant 2.

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