
Resident Evil 4: Wayshrine Key Location

Published: Mar. 29, 2023
Updated: Mar. 29, 2023


Playing the new Resident Evil 4 Remake, you need to find various exciting items located in the different corners of the map. While finding most items is optional, some of them are necessary for further progression in the game, including the Wayshrine Key.

Read this guide, and you will find Resident Evil 4 Remake Wayshrine Key location.

Where to Find Wayshrine Key in Resident Evil 4?

Even though Wayshrine Key doesn’t have high unlocking requirements, you might spend a lot of time searching for its particular location on the map. Check the image below. Here you can see the only place in the game where Wayshrine Key can be found.

Once you are here, you will find the shelf with a tiny chest. Approach this shelf and press X. Then press X again and pick up the Old Wayshrine Key, one of the essential items in the game. The item will be automatically added to the inventory, and you can use it multiple times.

Read more: Resident Evil 4: How to Destroy all 5 Blue Medallions Chapter 1

How to Use the Wayshrine Key in the Resident Evil 4 Remake

The primary purpose of the Wayshrine Key in Resident Evil 4 Remake is to open Wayshrines. A single key can open all the Wayshrines on the map. Still, most of the Wayshrines can be found in the Village section. Only one of them is located at The Farm.

Once you get a Wayshrine Key, a good idea is to spend your time and visit all the Wayshrines on the map. Here you can get various valuable treasures that can be sold to the Merchant for a good amount.

That’s it with Resident Evil 4 Remake Wayshrine Key location. Consider that you access the key only after dealing with the lake monster, which is a necessary part of the main storyline.

If you have questions, you can join our Discord server or visit us on Facebook to discuss the game there. And while you are here, make sure to check our guide on how to defeat Verdugo in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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