
Star Wars Jedi Survivor Coruscant Rooftops Collectibles

Published: May. 03, 2023
Updated: May. 03, 2023


Coruscant is the capital of the empire and the place where your adventures begin. The rebel mission ends tragically, so Cal has to flee to Koboh. For most of the game, you won't be able to return to Coruscant, but when you finally do, you'll want to collect the Coruscant Rooftops collectibles in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

There are six secrets on Coruscant Rooftops, and we will show you where and how to collect them so that you can explore Coruscant for 100%.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Rooftops Secrets Guide for Coruscant

The list of all collectibles can be found below:

  • 2 Chests
  • 2 Databanks
  • Force Tear
  • Treasure

Coruscant First Chest Location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant first chest location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant first chest location

The first chest you will find quite easily. You'll be able to get the Patience emitter lightsaber part when you get to the rooftops. You will fall from the pole after the yacht crashes and you escape. In the room, you need to look to the left, as there will be the first chest.

Coruscant Second Chest Location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant second chest location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant second chest location

The second chest is located near the first meditation point. You need BD-1 to unlock the door, and you need to use Force to close the pipe. This will allow you to get to the second chest with the Patience switch.

Read more: Star Wars Jedi Survivor: All Outfits & Hairstyles of Cal Kestis

Coruscant First Databank Location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant first databank location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant first databank location

The first Databank is located right next to the first meditation point. Before the terminal that opens the way to the second chest behind the wall, you will see a Databank in the dark corner on the left.

Coruscant Second Databank Location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant second databank location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant second databank location

The second Databank will be in an abandoned camp. You will climb the wall and kill the stormtroopers. After that, ask BD-1 to scan the graffiti.

Coruscant Treasure Location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant treasure location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant treasure location

To find the Priorite Shard, go to the end of the path. The treasure is located above the meditation point. It will be most convenient to go directly from the second database location.

Coruscant Force Tear Location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant force tear location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Coruscant force tear location

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Fractured Malice

Force Tears is a trial in which you have to defeat quite strong enemies. As a reward, you will receive skill points. To open the door, you need to learn the Lift and Slam Force abilities. Cal gets them in the mission "Rescue Zee from the Lucrehulk." After that, the next time you are in Coruscant Rooftops, you will be able to open the door leading to Force Tear. For more on the game, we also have a full list of mounts in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, make sure to check it out!

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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