The Front offers a way to farm large amounts of Mucus and Fiber in a short amount of time. With over 200 hours spent in The Front, we've become experts in the game and have learned all the ins and outs of growing and harvesting most plant materials, including Mucus and Fiber, which you'll need quite a bit of in the game.
Contents of the Guide: In this guide, you will learn how to significantly increase the efficiency of Mucus and Fiber farming, and what resources you need to do so. We will also cover which tools are best suited for harvesting to maximize the outcome.
To permanently end the problem of searching for Mucus and Fiber in The Front, you just need to find Fern and Dandelion seeds. Then you can set up a small farm using Small Crop Plots to grow these two plants. However, if you wait for them to mature and try to harvest them with your bare hands, you will notice that the reward for waiting is tiny, namely +3 Mucus and +4 Fiber.
Do not get disappointed, as you can significantly increase your yield by adding fertilizer to Crop Plots. In general, Basic Fertilizer is the most effective in the beginning, especially in Mucus and Fiber farming, as even when you harvest plants manually, you can get +10 Mucus from Dandelion and +14 Fiber from Fern, and that's just from one plant. In addition, you can use Refined Fertilizer, which is less efficient when harvesting by hand, but can be useful for Mucus and Fiber farming in the future. To craft a Basic Fertilizer, you will need to use the Chemist's Bench. In general, it's straightforward to make, as you only need a few things:
By the way, if you have problems with the last one because it takes half an hour to decompose, we recommend that you spread it out in Storage Chest compartments individually so that the timer counts for each of them separately.
To go even further, you can use special harvesting tools such as the Iron or Steel Sickle. In fact, we recommend using a Sickle as soon as you can make one in the game, regardless of its material. Nevertheless, while the Iron Sickle will give you +8 Mucus and +40 Fiber if you use Basic Fertilizer and +30 Mucus and +41 Fiber on Refined Fertilizer, the Steel Sickle will give you +12 Mucus and +56 on Basic, and +42 Mucus and +58 Fiber on Refined Fertilizer.
And before you go, here we have a guide on how to make alcohol in The Front, make sure to check it out.
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