Studio Wildcard recently updated the console versions of PS4 and Xbox One of ARK: Survival Evolved. Update 2.46 adds new Explorer Notes and TEK chest armor to the current Genesis expansion. We have the patch notes!
That's new: With the ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 2.46 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Studio Wildcard is also adding five more Explorer Notes to the consoles for exploring. These should tell the player more of the story of Genesis and prepare for the events in Genesis Part 2
Another small highlight is the new TEK breastplate V2 that you can obtain. Since the launch of "Genesis Chronicles 2" last month, you can already collect themed TEK boots and TEK pants. The whole thing is kind of like a pre-event for ARK Genesis Part 2 in March 2021.
In the bug fixes and optimizations of Update 2.46, the patch also fixes some serious problems that the community has suffered from in the last few weeks. There is now a solution to the mesh biting glitch that allowed enemies to bite through the walls of the base while riding a dinosaur. Also, the frustrating beehive dupe, which resulted in significant server performance issues when many beehives were thrown together in the same area, should be fixed now. But there were also a few small fixes on the PC: