Ark: What are Arkpocalypse Servers & When do They Wipe?

Published: May. 14, 2023
Updated: Sep. 30, 2024

German English

The Ark Survival Evolved servers "ARKpocalypse" are a fast-paced way of playing the known formular of Ark. In this post we will explain, what the Arkpocalypse Servers are and when they wipe.

New wipe, new luck: The ARKpocalypse servers of Ark Survival Evolved will be hit again by a meteorite and a wipe sweeps away all bases, dinosaurs, inventories and stashes today on May the 14th. For Ark players, this is the right time to dive into the game again.

What are Arkpocalypse Servers?

The Arkpocalypse Servers are dedicated official servers, that are run by the developers. Arkpocalypse aims for fast-paced gameplay with a heavy focus on PvP. For example, the following gathering and farming rates were changed:

  • Taming Speed: 3x
  • Dismantling: 3x
  • Experience: 3x
  • Mating interval: 66% faster
  • Growth speed: 3x
  • Egg hatching speed: 3x
  • Baby cuddling interval: reduced by 2x.
  • Seedling growth rate: 3x
  • Hair growth rate: 2x

ARKpocalypse Server Wipe: What Does It Mean?

The ARKpocalypse servers wipe regulary once per month. The cool thing about it is the way how they get wiped. Other than normal servers, they don't just reset every player with a server restart. Instead, a giant meteorite is crashing into the ark. Players who are on the server at that moment can clearly see this spectacular event happening.


Here you can see the meteorite that wipes the server.

Get started now: Right now is the right moment to dig up and start Ark Survival Evolved again. If you are looking for fellow players, you can join our community on Facebook, here you are sure to find buddies!

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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Bruce Lee Barbosa

Cuando se wipean los servidores de arkpocalipsis

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