Conan Exiles - Xbox Release & Winter Wonderland Expansion

Published: Jun. 16, 2017
Updated: Dec. 10, 2023


This year's E3 was the perfect opportunity for Funcom, developers of the hit sandbox survival game Conan Exiles, to announce their Xbox version release date and a brand new awesome expansion to their exiled world.

Conan Comes to Xbox One This Summer

After some discussion and shift in dates, Conan Exiles has been set for release on the 16th of August 2017 for Xbox One and will be on the same game version as it's PC counterpart. PS4 unfortunately won't be getting the game until it's full release at the beginning of 2018; and a 4K version for Xbox One X has been announced for later release.


The Nords are here to say hello.

Explore Ice & Snow This Summer

As well as the Xbox release on the 16th of August, players will also be getting a massive icy expansion will brand new weapons, armour, features, creatures and landscapes. The world map is set to increase by 50% and leaves behind the desolate desert for actual greenery! The above trailer impressively shows off lush highlands and snow-capped northern mountains that remind us all of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.


Better not slip.

With a brand new area, we can definitely expect to see some unique creatures. Already in the trailer we got see wolves, deer, mountain goats and gigantic mammoths in action! It'll be interesting to see how the recently added climbing feature will be incorporated into the new terrain. Will icy-covered mountains be a struggle to scale? If you want to learn more about the climbing feature, click here.

We can't wait to have a go at this amazing expansion and shall keep you up to date with any new instalments from the developers.


The hunt is on!

Ewig 18-jährig und dem Flachwitze frohlockend begeistert er sich vorwiegend für (A)RPGs. Bei Diablo 3, Path of Exile und dem ein oder anderen Roguelike fühlt Christian sich zu Hause. Solange etwas im Team gespielt werden kann und Spaß macht, sagt er aber auch dazu nicht nein. Nebenbei engagiert er sich als persönlicher Coach für Path of Exile Spieler.
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