
Rust: All Items from the Decor Pack "Frontier Base & Unfair Crate Skins?

Published: Nov. 03, 2023
Updated: Nov. 03, 2023

German English

The new "Frontier Base Pack" decor package for Rust has been released, and it brings cool items in the style of the Wild West, yet survival expert Kevin Willing (that's me!), says: The decor pack is a bit Pay2Win.

Highlights of the article:

  • Rust has a new Wild-West-themed decor pack
  • There are 20+ new items
  • Among other things, there are new large chests in the package.

What contents are in the Rust Decor Pack "Frontier Base Pack"?

In total, there are 23 new individual items in the latest base pack for Rust, which are divided into planters, decor, and genuine game advantages:

  • New planters
  • Barrels as chests
  • Hunting trophies like singing fish on the wall
  • Torch holders
  • Saloon doors
  • New tools

1. The new planters

  • Metal trough
  • Minecart (Lore)
  • Steel girder planter

2. New decor elements & hunting trophies

  • Wanted posters
  • Torch holders
  • Weapon rack for individual weapons
  • Hunting trophies, which you can make from predators, fish & game
  • Hunting trophies for player heads
  • Singing fish on the wall.

3. New base elements

  • Rocking chair for relaxing
  • Wooden saloon doors to swing open

4. New barrels as large chests

  • Standing barrel
  • Lying barrel
The new barrels

The new barrels

5. New tools

  • New knife "Skinning Knife"

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The new barrels in the Frontiers Pack take up less space - is that fair?

I purchased the pack for Rust for a mere € 12.39 and tested the items. Jesus, wait for a sale — unless you want the gameplay advantages of the Frontier Pack:

The new storage options of the barrels are hardly more expensive to produce in the game than normal large chests, but can be used much more versatile and space-saving. With the two different shapes, vertical and horizontal, you can accommodate more storage space than ever before:

  • In a square room: Up to 8 large boxes of space are easily achievable, 9 are possible, and with a bit of squeezing, even 10.
  • In a triangular room:
  • In double triangular rooms: 6 large boxes fit comfortably, 8 less comfortably.
  • In TC (Tool Cupboard) rooms: 7 large boxes are possible.

When placing, you just need to consider the collision boxes of the barrels because they are square. So, occasionally, you have to rotate the barrel during setup to fit it into a corner.

But what do you think? Are the new barrels in Rust really so unfair or even Pay2Win, or does it not make a gameplay difference whether you use the €12 skins or not? Please let us know your opinion in the poll!

Are Barrels in Rust OP?

  • Yes (67%, 4 Votes)
  • No (33%, 2 Votes)

Total Voters: 6

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The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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