
Blue Protocol: How to Play in English Right Now

Published: Jun. 13, 2023
Updated: Jun. 20, 2023

German English

Our detailed guide tells you how you can play the Japanese anime MMORPG Blue Protocol from June 14th before everyone else, and even in English. Just follow our step-by-step instructions below.

Here's what's happening: Bandai Namco is releasing the anime MMORPG Blue Protocol, which fans have been waiting for years, on June 14th in Japan. However, For Western players, the release has been postponed to early 2024 – here, Amazon Games (New World, Lost Ark) is responsible for publishing. But there is still a way for Western gamers to play Blue Protocol outside Japan. We'll tell you how!

Play Blue Protocol Right Now! How to Create a Free Account

This is how you have to prepare yourself: To create an account or to be able to play at all and not be banned by Bandai Namco, it is advisable to use a VPN program and log into Tokyo, Japan. We used NordVPN for this and give you a ref link to the shop here – so you don't pay more than usual, but we get a small share; thanks!

  • Once you have started your VPN program, search for Tokyo, Japan, and connect:
NordVPN Japan Tokyo

Select Tokyo in your VPN program

How to create your new Bandai Namco ID: Now that everyone thinks you're in Tokyo, you can start registering for your account. Just follow the next steps:

  • Visit the official Blue Protocol site.
  • Click on the turquoise button in the upper right corner of the screen. Tip: You can have the Japanese language translated in any browser (right-click > Translate to X):
    Blue Protocol registration 1


  • In the next screen, scroll down a little and click on the turquoise button again:
    Blue Protocol registration 2


  • Now scroll down and click the big black button on the right-hand side of the turquoise area to create a new Bandai Namco ID. Also accept the Terms of Use:
    Blue Protocol registration 3
  • Now choose an email address that you can access and a password. Confirm your password and press the button below:
    Blue Protocol registration username password


  • Now you will be asked for your country. It is important that you select Asia | Japan. Below this, enter your date of birth and then tick the two boxes. Then press the right button to agree:
    Blue Protocol region asia japan
  • You will now receive a confirmation email containing a 6-digit code. You must now enter this code for authorization and confirm it:
    Blue Protocol authentication code
  • Then press the right next button until you're finished.
  • Now you should see a window confirming your registration. However, it may happen that it does not appear. Nevertheless, you have now completed the registration. Continue with step 2.


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How to Download the Japanese MMORPG Blue Protocol in the West

Once you have registered, you can download the launcher and install Blue Protocol on your computer. Proceed as follows:

  1. If you are already automatically logged in, skip points 2-4.
  2. Revisit the Blue Protocol registration page.
  3. Scroll down until you return to the turquoise area with the two large black buttons.
  4. Now select the left button and log in.
  5. Now you can download the Blue Protocol Launcher here. Click on the large button at the bottom.
Blue Protocol launcher download

The download starts immediately after the click.

  1. Start the downloaded BandaiNamcoLauncherNetworkInstaller.exe and wait until the installation is finished. The launcher will then open automatically. Otherwise, you can also find it in the Windows search or your desktop under “Bandai Namco Launcher”. Before the installation, you can select the path and activate a few options:
    Bandai Namco Launcher
  2. Select Blue Protocol in the launcher in the top left-hand corner and click Install.
  3. Then select the installation path and click Install again. The game requires less than 25 GB of disc space.

You have completed the installation and can start playing Blue Protocol in the West. However, since the entire game is in Japanese and the learning curve is very high, there is a simple solution: MORT.

How to Translate all Blue Protocol Content to English


To translate all texts in Blue Protocol into English, you need the tool MORT. This real-time translator scans your entire game screen for Japanese text via an extra layer and translates them directly for you. You have the choice between 2 modes:

  • Either have the entire screen translated automatically.
  • Or select a section that is then translated. For example, the chat.

How to Prepare for the Installation of MORT

We will give you step-by-step instructions, taken from the Blue Protocol Database, on how to prepare to download MORT, install it, and set it up at the end for the best result.

These are the preparations you need to make: Before you can get started, you need to make a few settings on your PC. More specifically, you need to install language packs so that MORT can access them:

  1. Open the settings via the Start menu.
  2. Click on the Time & Language option.
  3. Select Language and Region.
  4. Click on Add Language.
  5. Search for the Japanese language.
  6. Check the options below (active on default) and click Install.

Blue Protocol language package download

Download & Install MORT – This is How it Works

MORT is constantly updated and uses both Google and Deepl to translate texts. To ensure you always have the latest version, download the top ZIP file via GitHub.

>> Download MORT <<

MORT Github newest Version

You will always find the latest MORT version at the top.

If you have downloaded the file, you do not need to install it. Unzip the entire contents of the .zip file to a folder called MORT on your desktop. Now you can start the translation program via the MORT.exe in the folder and pay attention to the following settings:

  1. General 
  2. Translation
  3. ETC (Key bindings)

mort General

Under the General tab, you only have to change two settings. You set the OCR mode to WIN OCR and the language to Japanese because we want to translate it.

mort translation

In the translation tab, you can select which mode you want to use. With Layer, you have a small blue window that you can enlarge or reduce as required and move anywhere. Overlay, however, ensures that the overlay fills your entire screen. We will stay with the layer for now. Leave the rest of the settings as they are.

Once you have confirmed your selection by clicking Apply, you can use the layer in Blue Protocol. It functions like a text window showing all the translations you have snapshot.

mort charakter translation

You can mark zones with a hotkey that you will use frequently. You can customize this in the ETC tab, and it should be something that is not actively used in the game or by other programs. By default, it is Ctrl+Shift+A.

mort keybinds

Alternatively, you can use Quick Settings instead of making all these settings. Here you will be guided through a few questions, after which all the necessary options will be selected automatically.

How to Use MORT in Blue Protocol to Translate Texts Now

Once you have set up MORT, run it in the background or on a second screen and start Blue Protocol. You will always see your Layer window in the foreground unless you hide it with the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+D.

To translate a text passage, activate the snapshot mode with the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+A and select an area you want to translate while holding the left mouse button. Then release the mouse button, and the translation appears in your layer.


If you use MORT for the entire screen permanently, be aware that any translations will pop up constantly and could disrupt your playing experience. We, therefore, recommend that you leave the layer mode active. You have successfully installed MORT and can start your adventure in Blue Protocol as a Western player in the Japanese version from June 14th, 2023!

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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