
Conan Exiles: How to Find Brimstone - All Locations

Published: Aug. 17, 2022
Updated: Dec. 08, 2023

German English

Even the ancient Egyptians and Greeks knew how to use brimstone for bleaching clothes or as medicine, and in the survival hit Conan Exiles you'll also need brimstone for many of your alchemical activities. In our guide, we show you where and how you can find the corrosive rock.

That's what it's all about: Apart from weapons and armor, you can also create potions and powders in Conan Exiles. For many of the recipes you need brimstone. This comes in rock form and can be found scattered throughout the world of Conan Exiles. So grab your pickaxe and we'll show you where you can mine the yellow rock and what you can do with it.

How to Find Brimstone in Conan Exiles

On this map we have marked the different places where you can find brimstone. But be warned, in some of these areas there are vicious creatures.

At this locations you can find brimstone in Conan Exiles.

You can find brimstone in the following locations in Conan Exiles:

  • Around Shattered Springs. (1)
  • Next to the Sinner's Refuge in a cave and at Gallaman's Tomb in the south. (2)
    • Hint: Both are not far apart. At Gallaman's Tomb you will encounter crocodiles and at the Sinner's refuge you will encounter some NPCs.
  • At the Executioners Entrance, north of the river. (3)
    • Tip: This is a small cave with lots of spiders and brimstone.
  • In the Buccaneer Bay to the east. (4)
    • Tip: Here you will find the deposits mainly underwater.

Also interesting: The interactive Conan Exiles map with all resources and important locations.

For this you need Brimstone

Now that you know where to find brimstone, of course you want to know what you can make with it. For one thing, you can make steel fire with tar and brimstone. With this accelerant, you can harden iron into steel. You also need brimstone to make the popular star metal ingots. Additionally, you can use the yellowish coloration to create different shades of yellow to color things.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
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Daniel Ferguson

ok I found it in Shattered Springs but how do you get it with the gas that kills you, is there something you can make so the gas don't kill you?

Sascha Asendorf

You can craft a Sandstorm Breathing Mask on a Armorer's Bench with a Light Padding and 45 Steel Bars.

Daniel Ferguson

I looked everywhere around Shattered Springs and I would like to know where you found brimstone because all I could find besides dry wood & stone was iron?


In the water, all those tall brownish spikes are brimstone

Daniel Ferguson

I haven't looked in the other 3 places you said they are in yet, I was told 3 places from YouTube video where to look and only 1 had it

Daniel Ferguson

#2 is wrong, it's in a cave near Sinner's Refuge

Sascha Asendorf

Thanks for letting us know. We have added the information.