
Diablo 4: How to Get Sigil Powder & Make Nightmare Sigils

Published: Jun. 07, 2023
Updated: Dec. 22, 2023

German English

Our editor Alex has spent over 100 hours with Diablo 4. Here he explains how to obtain Seal Powder and how to make Nightmare Seals from it.

In this guide, you'll learn:

  • What you need to do to get Seal Powder.
  • How many units of Seal Powder are required for making Nightmare Seals from levels 1 to 60.

Seal Powder in Diablo 4: What is it Used for?

Diablo 4: Sigil Powder for Nightmare Sigils Location

Seal Powder in Diablo 4 is used to create Nightmare Seals, which can transform regular dungeons into Nightmare Dungeons.

But why would you want to make the already challenging dungeons even harder? The answer is simple: the loot significantly improves. Therefore, it's worthwhile to create Nightmare Seals, but how do you get the necessary Seal Powder? The answer is in the next paragraph.

Find many more guides to Diablo 4 in our comprehensive Guide Overview!

Diablo 4: How to Get Seal Powder & Make Nightmare Seals

Getting Seal Powder in Diablo 4 is not difficult in itself. All you have to do is have certain items recycled by the blacksmith. The catch is that these must be holy objects and ancestral items. Only from them can varying amounts of Seal Powder be extracted.

Diablo 4: Nightmare Dungeon

In Diablo 4's Nightmare Dungeons, there's a lot of great loot to be had.

For making Nightmare Seals, you also need gold, and the manufacturing costs increase as the tier level of the seal goes higher. Holy seals range from levels 1-20, while ancestral seals range from levels 21 to 100. The specific costs you can expect are outlined in the overview below.

Sigil / Level
Nightmare Sigil 1-5
  • 3 Sigil Powder
  • 4000 Gold
Nightmare Sigil 6-10
  • 6 Sigil Powder
  • 6000 Gold
Nightmare Sigil 11-15
  • 11 Sigil Powder
  • 8000 Gold
Nightmare Sigil 16-20
  • 20 Sigil Powder
  • 10000 Gold
Nightmare Sigil 21-25
  • 50 Sigil Powder
  • 13000 Gold
Nightmare Sigil 26-30
  • 80 Sigil Powder
  • 16000 Gold
Nightmare Sigil 31-35
  • 125 Sigil Powder
  • 19000 Gold
Nightmare Sigil 36-40
  • 190 Sigil Powder
  • 22000 Gold
Nightmare Sigil 41-50
  • 275 Sigil Powder
  • 26000 Gold
Nightmare Sigil 51-60
  • 350 Sigil Powder
  • 30000 Gold

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After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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