
Diablo 4 Season 1: How the Caged Hearts Work

Published: Jul. 20, 2023
Updated: Jul. 22, 2023

German English

Season 1 of Diablo 4 has started, and with “Malignant” as the seasonal theme, it primarily brings “Caged Hearts” as new items into the game. We'll tell you how the caged hearts work.

Here's the deal: The first Season launched on July 20 in Diablo 4 and is titled “Season of the Malignant.” This describes the theme that changes each season and brings unique features. In this case, they are the Caged Hearts and the Malignant Invoker. This guide will explain what the Caged Hearts are all about.

These are the Caged Hearts in Diablo 4 Season 1

The Caged Hearts come in four varieties as a new item in the game, and you can craft them yourself. All you have to do is visit Cormond's workbench, which he has set up in the Dry Steppes south of Ked Bardu and in Kyovashad.

Diablo 4 Season 2 Cormond locationThe 4 hearts are:

Item Stats Resources
Brutal Caged Heart
  • +Armor
  • + 1 Random Affix
  • 35 Vicious Malignant Ichor
  • 35 Devious Malignant Ichor
Vicious Caged Heart
  • +Armor
  • + 1 Random Affix
  • 35 Brutal Malignant Ichor
  • 35 Devious Malignant Ichor
Devious Caged Heart
  • +Armor
  • + 1 Random Affix
  • 35 Vicious Malignant Ichor
  • 35 Brutal Malignant Ichor
Wrathful Heart
(Randomly in Uncertain Heart)
  • ?
  • 20 Vicious Malignant Ichor
  • 20 Brutal Malignant Ichor
  • 20 Devious Malignant Ichor

What to do with the Caged Hearts in Diablo 4

The caged hearts are nothing more than gems you can put into certain jewelry in Season 1. However, once you've used them, you can only replace them; you can not remove them from the item. So if you replace them, the old heart will get destroyed.

However, if you need more Ichor to craft the Malignant Invoker, you can also dismantle excess caged hearts for materials at Cormond's workbench. It always pays to equip the latest hearts as long as the affix is suitable. The higher your level, the higher the item level and therefore the armor on the hearts.

Here you can find Malignant Ichor in Diablo 4 Season 1

The various Malignant Ichor that you need to craft the caged hearts can be obtained from events within the Diablo 4 game world and also in the new malignant dungeons. The collected Ichor will appear in your resources tab as soon as you get them.

In addition to the already-known events from the regular Diablo 4, a few more events are added in Season 1, which mainly have to do with Malignant boils. You can also find these scattered around the game world, only Ichor is not always dropped here.

Diablo 4 season 1 event sekret

Events are a sure source of Malignant Ichor.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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