Dreamlight Valley: How to Make Chili Pepper Puffs

Published: Nov. 14, 2022
Updated: Dec. 15, 2022

German English

Disney Dreamlight Valley has a number of tasty dishes, and in this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the chili pepper puffs recipe and tell you how to make this 3-star delicacy.

What it’s about: A big part of Dreamlight Valley is cooking and experimenting with ingredients. However, sometimes it can also be useful to know the exact recipe for something. Chili pepper puffs are one of the dishes that are often ordered at Rémy’s restaurant. In this guide, we’ll show you the exact recipe for chili pepper puffs and tell you where to find the ingredients.

The Recipe for Chili Pepper Puffs in Dreamlight Valley

The chili pepper puffs recipe is one of the many recipes in Dreamlight Valley, and it’s easy to cook to boot. You can cook it for various Dreamlight challenges, sell it for 669 coins, or give it to your friends. If you eat it yourself, it will give you 1382 energy.

To cook the chili pepper puffs, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chili Pepper
  • Cheese
  • Egg

How to Get the Ingredients for the Chili Pepper Puffs

Of course, we’ll also tell you how to get the ingredients, because some of them are harder to get than others.

Chili Pepper: You can buy or plant chili peppers. To do this, however, you must first unlock the Sunlit Plateau. There, once you’ve fixed Goofy’s stand, you can buy chili peppers or chili pepper seeds. The seeds take 45 minutes to grow into a chili pepper that is ready to harvest.

Egg: To get a pack of eggs, you need to rescue Rémy from Dream Castle and bring him back to Dreamlight Valley, In addition, you need to build his restaurant and a residence for Rémy. After that, you can buy eggs and other ingredients from Rémy in the restaurant.

Cheese: Cheese is also a special ingredient that you can only get through Rémy. Unlocking Rémy will cost you 3,000 Dreamlight, and you’ll have to complete the first missions for him until you get the restaurant.

Tip: If you choose between Wall-E, Maui, and Rémy at the beginning at Dream Castle, we recommend you choose Rémy first. Unlocking the restaurant will give you access to more ingredients.

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