
Elden Ring: All Legendary Ashes and Their Locations

Published: Apr. 12, 2024
Updated: Apr. 18, 2024

German English

The Spirit Ashes are probably the biggest help for most players in the fight against overpowering bosses. This guide shows you all six legendary ashes in Elden Ring and where to find them.

There are a total of six legendary ashes in Elden Ring:

  1. Lhutel The Headless
  2. Redname Knight Ogha
  3. Mimic Tear Ashes
  4. Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff
  5. Cleanrot Knight Finlay
  6. Black Knife Tiche

Lhutel The Headless

The Ashes of Luthel the Headless can be found in Limgrave.

The Ashes of Luthel the Headless can be found in Limgrave.

The first legendary ash awaits you in Limgrave. To get the ashes of Luthel the Headless, you have to defeat a boss of Tombsward Catacombs. He will drop the legendary ashes. As in most catacombs, you must first find a lever and flip it to open the door to the boss.

The ashes of Luthel the Headless can be found in Limgrave.

The ashes of Luthel the Headless can be found in Limgrave.

Redname Knight Ogha

The Ashes of the Redname Knight Ogha can be found in Caelid.

The Ashes of the Redname Knight Ogha.

You will also find the next legendary ash below the ground. However, you can only get the ashes of Redmane Knight Ogha after your victory over General Rhadan. Once this is done, you can ride from the Site of Grace, which you will receive after your victory, to the War Dead Catacomb.

You must defeat General Rhadan, before you can get the Ashes.

The Ashes of Redname Knigt Ogha can be gathered after your victory over Rhadan.

There, everything works the same as with the first ash. You have to find and pull the lever and defeat the boss.

Mimic Tear Ashes

For the Mimic Tear Ashes you also have to defeat Rhadan.

The Mimic Tear Ashes is the strongest Ash in Elden Ring.

The Mimic Tear Ashes is probably the strongest legendary ash in Elden Ring. It creates a replica of you, but it can also take a lot more damage. For this legendary ash, you must defeat General Rhadan as well. After your victory, a meteorite strikes in the middle of Limgrave, leaving behind a huge crater. You can travel through this crater to the Eternal City of Nokron and take the Mimic Tear Ashes from a chest there. To get to the chest, you will need a Stone Sword Key.

The Mimic Tear Ashes are the strongest Ashes in Elden Ring.

This is where you find the Mimic Tear Ashes.

Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff

The Spirit Ash of Kristoff the Ancient Dragon Knigth can be found on the Altus Plateau..

The Spirit Ash of Kristoff the Ancient Dragon Knight.

You also have to survive a tough battle for the ashes of the Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff. To be more precise, you have to enter the Sainted Hero’s Grave and defeat the boss there. These catacombs are located in the middle of the Altus Plateau. You should already have the Mimic Tear Ashes for this battle. This will make the fight much easier.

The ash of the Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff can be found on the Altus Plateau.

Here you can find the ash of the Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff.

Cleanrot Knight Finlay

The Ash of the Cleanrot Knight Finlay can be found at Haligtree.

The Ash of the Cleanrot Knight Finlay.

To get this legendary ash, you have to reach the very late game in Elden Ring. It can be found in Haligtree, near the Prayer Room. From this fast travel point, you must run straight ahead until you reach a platform with a scarab. From this platform, you can look into a room where a knight is guarding a chest. Inside this chest, you can find the ash of the Cleanrot Knight Finlay.

The Legendary Ash of Finlay is very close to the Site of Grace Prayer Room.

This is where you can find the Ash.

Black Knife Tiche

The legendary Ash of the Black Knife Tiche can be found in Liurnia.

The legendary Ash of the Black Knife Tiche.

The sixth and final ash is also linked to a boss fight. To face the fight against Alecto you must travel to the Ringleader’s Evergaol on the Moonlight Altar. However, you can only reach this location if you have almost completed Ranni's quest.

To reach Tiche, you must complete Rannis Quest.

Here you can trigger the fight against Tiche the Black Knife.

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Markus has been part of our Guided.news team since June 2022 and writes about many topics as a dedicated gamer. But he is especially fond of Path of Exile and other ARPGs.
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