The Sacred Tears in Elden Ring are important items to improve your flasks. We'll show you the locations of all twelve tears.
Each time you level up in Elden Ring, you can increase your attributes. Sooner or later, you will have to invest some points in vigor to boost your lifebar. This is essential, because as the game progresses, your opponents' hits will do more and more damage. To make it easier for you to compensate these hits, it is essential to improve the effect of your flasks.
With each of the twelve Sacred Tears, you can improve your flasks at any Site of Grace and increase the amount of healed Health Points. The table shows how many points you restore per flask level:
Flask Level | Health Points Restored |
0 | 250 |
1 | 345 |
2 | 430 |
3 | 505 |
4 | 570 |
5 | 625 |
6 | 670 |
7 | 700 |
8 | 730 |
9 | 755 |
10 | 780 |
11 | 795 |
12 | 810 |
As already mentioned, you can find a total of 12 Sacred Tears in the Lands Between. The location of each individual tear is a church or church ruin. On the Screenshots below, we show you the twelve churches where you can find a Sacred Tear.
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