
How and where to get Starsilver Ore in Genshin Impact

Published: Oct. 27, 2022
Updated: Jan. 29, 2024

German English

In the co-op RPG Genshin Impact, you must collect the Starsilver Ore resource for various actions and items. We'll tell you where and how you can find the material in the Dragonspine region.

This is Starsilver: The Starsilver is a new resource that you can find in the Dragonspine region since Update 1.2 of Genshin Impact. It is mainly used to manufacture various weapons such as the new two-handed sword “Snow-Tombes Starsilver” or to make the Warming Bottle. It also can be turned into Fine Enhancement Ore at any blacksmith or is required for some side-quests.

Starsilver Genshin Impact

Where to find Starsilver Ore in Genshin Impact

To find Starsilver, you have to look carefully. The gray/black colored ore is not always easy to spot in the snow-covered Dragonspine region.

  • Starglow Cavern is laden down with Starsilver. The many tunnels and paths that make up the cavern will yield plenty of this important resource.
  • The area around the lake to the east of the Entombed City Outskirts is also a great place to farm Starsilver. You can find large groups of 5-6 rocks, that will yield 1-2 Starsilver each.
  • To the southeast of Skyfrost Nail, a peninsula juts out into the sea. This will have 4-5 nodes on it, each one giving up to three Starsilver each.
  • The coastline all along the east of the Ancient Palace is also a great place to farm for Starsilver, as it will have 6-7 nodes.

On the map you can also see all currently available deposits:

What you need to know: You can only mine the individual Starsilver Ore deposits every 2 days. Typical ores respawn daily, starsilver takes twice as long.

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  • “Stellar Reunion” Event will get you free items

For what is Starsilver used for in Genshin Impact?

As mentioned before, Starsilver Ore is required for various weapons and items and to complete one or the other event quest.

For these items, you need the resource:

  • Dragonspine Spear (One of the best F2P spears): 50 Starsilver Ore
  • Snow-Tombed Starsilver (two-handed sword): 50 Starsilver Ore
  • Frostbearer (Catalyst): 50 Starsilver Ore
  • Warming Bottle (Consumable): 2 Starsilver Ore
  • Fine Enhancement Ore (weapon EXP): 3 Starsilver Ore

Additional use: In the "Windblume Festival” event, you also need 3 Starsilver Ore to complete one of the side quests. In the future, more recipes and missions could be integrated into the game that make use of this resource. So always keep your eyes open when you hike through the Dragonspine region.

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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