When the otherwise manageable garden suddenly becomes a huge adventure jungle, even the once harmless creepy-crawlies become fierce enemies. Other creatures, however, such as black widows, which are dangerous even to unshrunken humans, are very strong enemies in Grounded.
If you've been around the garden of your trust for a while and get along well with most creatures, sooner or later you'll be drawn to the backyard. This is one of the few places where you can find black widows in Grounded. We'll show you where else you can find these strong enemies in our guide.
"Tip from our author: also check out our Grounded guide "Finding and Using EelgrassStrands"!"
Before you go in search of the black beasts, you should make sure that your equipment is suitable for them. Armor and weapons should all be tier three. If you feel prepared for an encounter with a black widow, there are a total of four different locations in Grounded where you find the dangerous spiders.
In fact, you'll only find the black widows at these locations, because even though the spiders aren't bosses in the true sense of the word, they can certainly be called mini-bosses that never leave their "arena".
The area under the shed is one of the endgame areas in Grounded, and you can only enter it once you've turned in all four BURGL chips to BURGL. He will give you a spare fusa that you must take to the SCA.B on the table on the south porch. This SCA.B is not shrunk and is full size on the side table. With the spare fuse you have to go behind the SCA.B to the battery cover and hit it with a T3 item. The SCA.B will open and you can insert the spare fuse.
After you reset the SCA.B, you will find the door leading to the lab under the shed on its east side. Inside you'll find the spider.
The next place where you can find a black widow is at the southernmost point of Moldorc Highlands. As you can see at the bottom of the map, the spider is located at the very eastern edge of the map.
You can find another black widow if you go to the trench right by the toolbox. Walk along the trench until you can see the spider webs. Pretty much in the middle of the webs is the entrance to the cave where the black widow is living.
The last black widow is not so easy to reach. You will need a bomb to blast the entrance to her cave free. This is located at the southeast corner of the shed deck.
Good to know: Black Widows represent extremely powerful enemies in Grounded. They have no weaknesses and are resistant to all types of damage. However, the fight against the spiders is extremely rewarding, because by defeating a black widow you can get the valuable fangs of the spider. With them you can later build the widow's dagger, with the help of which you can mine pond moss. You will need this moss to create powerful items such as Sarah's amulet.
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