The world of Hogwarts Legacy is full of puzzles big and small, such as the chess puzzles that you can find in the treasure vaults. This guide will show you how to solve these puzzles.
Find out in this guide:
We stumbled across the first chess puzzle completely by chance. However, there are four of them in total (as far as we know), all of which exist independently in the game without any connection to a quest. You need the following spells for the chess puzzles:
To get into the treasure vaults, you also require certain spells, which we will explain below.
The location of the treasure vault is shown below on the map. To enter the vault, you will need the Depulso spell. Use it to shoot at the windmills in front of the entrance until the gate opens.
There is a bandit camp very close to the treasure vault. Inside, you will find a cube (requires Alohomora level 3), which you must carry to the entrance of the vault using Wingardium Leviosa or Accio. Once there, place the cube in its designated place and cast the spell Glacius on it. The gate opens and you can enter the cave.
Go to the location in the screenshot, and you will find the entrance to the treasure vault in the northwest of the village of Cragcroft. Once again, you need to place a cube on the corresponding platform and this time activate it with the Incendio spell. The cube is located nearby, a little to the east of the cave entrance.
The fourth and final chess puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy can also be found in a treasure vault near Cragcroftshire. See the exact location is again shown below on the map. To open the cave entrance, you have to pull two levers out of the wall with Accio. To do this, however, you must first clear the left-hand lever of all the undergrowth using any fire spell. You can then enter the vault and set about solving the chess puzzle.
Inside the treasure vaults, you will finally reach a room where a large chessboard awaits you. The solution to all four chess puzzles is always the same. First, cast Revelio to find a specific item in the room. This is highlighted in blue by Revelio. Which item this is varies from player to player.
As soon as you have found the item, you must use the Transformation spell on it. It will transform the vase, chair, or whatever shape the object has into a chess piece. This piece must now be placed on the chessboard using Accio or Wingardium Leviosa so that the opponent's king is defeated.
Note that you can use the transformation spell to obtain different chess pieces. This is important because different movement rules apply to each piece. Depending on which piece you receive, you must position it in a different place on the chessboard. As soon as this is done, the king disappears and you receive a reward.
Through transformation, you can randomly obtain one of a total of six different pieces, each of which has its own rules:
Sometimes there is a bug. For example when you get a rook. As the rook can move as far as you like horizontally and vertically, it should work if you place the rook directly in front of the king. However, this sometimes didn't work for us until we positioned the rook one or two squares further away.
We hope we can help you with the chess puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy. If you have any questions or comments about the guide, feel free to leave a comment or send us a message on the social media channels and Discord (via