The more time you spend in the magical world of Hogwarts Legacy and the further you progress in the story, the more spells you can unlock and equip. In total, you can equip up to 16 different spells.
Here's the deal: At the beginning of your journey to Hogwarts, you'll only have one spell diamond, or spell rue, available to you. This diamond is located at the bottom right of your screen and consists of a total of four diamond symbols of the same size. These diamonds are slots that you can occupy with one spell each. In the course of the game, you can unlock more spell diamonds via the talents. In our guide we will show you how to do that.
Initially, you can equip a maximum of four spells simultaneously in Hogwarts Legacy. This is sufficient at first because you have to learn or unlock new Hogwarts Legacy Spells (via JoyFreak) anyway. You can get new spells, for example, by completing certain quests (e.g. you get the Expelliarmus spell when you complete Professor Hecat's second assignment). As soon as you want to equip more than four spells, you will need new spell diamonds.
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The only way you can get a second, third, and fourth spell diamond is through the talents. When you reach level five, you can get two more diamonds through the corresponding talents. You can get the fourth diamond from level 16. However, you also have to unlock the talents first. You can quickly read how to do this in our guide "How to unlock talents".
Once you have access to the talent menu and have reached the appropriate level, you can use your talent points for new spell diamonds. To do this, select the "Main Talents" category in the talent menu and then select the "Spell Knowledge I, II or III" talent. For each talent you want to activate, you need one talent point. You get talent points for leveling up, for example - you get one talent point for each level up.
Caution: Don't jump into a talent right away. Think carefully about which talent you want to equip, because once you activate it, you can't reverse your choice.
Once you have equipped a new spell diamond, you can fill your four new slots with spells. Now you can switch back and forth between your spell diamonds depending on which spells you need at the moment.
By the way, if after a while you find that you want to change the distribution of your spells among your spell diamonds so that you don't have to jump back and forth quite so often, you can do that at any time.
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