How to Find Gold Bar in Lethal Company

Published: Nov. 30, 2023
Updated: Nov. 30, 2023


In Lethal Company, you can find a lot of scrap metal in the facilities on the moons, but there is also an incredibly rare chance to find special and expensive scrap, such as a cash register, laser pointer, or gold bar.

Contents of this guide: In this guide, we will explain everything about the Gold Bar and where you can find it in Lethal Company.

  • Unlike all other scraps, the Gold Bar can be found only on Experimentation and March moons.
  • Gold Bar is the most expensive scrap item in the game.
  • It will be extremely challenging to find because Gold Bar is incredibly rare.

How to Find Gold Bar in Lethal Company

Gold Bar in Lethal Company

Among all the scrap items that can be found in Lethal Company, one stands out - the Gold Bar. This incredibly rare item can only appear on two planets:

  • The initial planet called Experimentation
  • The more difficult March.

This item has an incredibly small chance of spawn, approximately 0.20% on the Experimentation moon and 0.60% on the March moon. However, if your team is lucky enough to find this Golden Bar, the reward will be its value, which ranges from 100 to 210 credits. This will incredibly boost your team's credits, allowing you to buy a bunch of new equipment or important upgrades for your ship.

To find Gold Bar, you should go to the planet March, as it has the highest chance of spawning there. After that, rely entirely on your luck, as the chance of spawn is completely random and small. We advise you not to focus on this item, but to try to get all the scrap metal you can because there are many items that are just a little bit cheaper than the Gold Bar, but much more common.

If you want to read more, feel free to take a look at:

  • Lethal Company: How to Get and Use a Stun Grenade
  • How to Get & Use Walkie-Talkie in Lethal Company
  • Lethal Company: How to Open Doors Using the Terminal

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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