How to Find the Refuge Marked by Giant Tusks in Diablo 4

Published: Jun. 17, 2023
Updated: Jun. 17, 2023


Diablo 4 is a game in which you will need to complete many dungeons, quests, and other difficult challenges. At the same time, you need to search for various items and locations, and it's not always easy. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you how to find the Refuge Marked by Giant Tusks and complete the At Any Cost quest in Diablo 4.

We'll share screenshots of locations to help you navigate more easily, and we'll show you exactly where to go on your way to finding the Refuge Marked by Giant Tusks.

How to Find the Refuge Marked by Giant Tusks

Diablo 4: Refuge Marked by Giant Tusks and the At Any Cost quest

To find the Refuge Marked by Giant Tusks, you need to first take the At Any Cost Quest. You need to go to Fethis Wetlands, we've marked this location with a screenshot above. There you have to talk to Horrified Pilgrim and take the At Any Cost quest.

After that, you have to find Strange Refuge which is marked by giant tusks. To do this, go to Blightmarsh. There you will find a campsite that you need to enter to start completing the At Any Cost quest. Above you will find a screenshot with the exact location of Strange Refuge.

Read more: Diablo 4 Fallen Temple Tier 4 Capstone Dungeon Walkthrough

How to Complete At Any Cost Quest

Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to complete this quest and get your rewards:

  • When you enter Strange Refuge, the first thing you need to do is kill the enemies.
  • After that, you'll need to investigate the campsite.
  • Then talk to Groaning Corpse.
  • After that, defeat Acolyte of Rathma and take his head.
  • Find the candles on the ground and put them on the floor.
  • Then put Acolyte's head on the ground.
  • Talk to his head to start the ritual.

After the ritual, the quest will be completed! Thank you for reading this guide, good luck with your future adventures. And while you are here, make sure to check our guide on how to get Demonic Warlord’s Barding horse armor in Diablo 4.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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