How to Get Surging Sacred Chalice in Genshin Impact

Published: Nov. 10, 2023
Updated: Nov. 10, 2023


Surging Sacred Chalice is a rare item that you need to craft by collecting 4 Drained Conch Cups to improve Sword of Narzissenkreuz. From our own experience, we can say that this is a rather lengthy process if you don't know how to proceed and where to look, so we are going to tell you how to get Surging Sacred Chalice in Genshin Impact.

Contents of the guide: In this guide, you will learn how to get all 4 Drained Conch Cups and create a Surging Sacred Chalice.

  • Learn how to find 2 Drained Conch Cups at once in the Institute of Natural Philosophy.
  • Go on a search for 2 more Drained Conch Cups as you explore more challenging terrain.
  • Create a Surging Sacred Chalice by collecting all Drained Conch Cups and visiting the Annapausis area

Genshin Impact: All Drained Conch Cup Location

To successfully improve Sword of Narzissenkreuz, you need to find 4 Drained Conch Cups, which you can later turn into a Surging Sacred Chalice by interacting with the Little Fountain in the Annapausis area. We have carefully studied the map and found all the items, so here's where you need to go:

Drained Conch Cup 1 - Institute of Natural Philosophy

Drained Conch Cup 1

Let's start with the easier one. You will find the first cup in one of the rooms of the Institute of Natural Philosophy, which is located in the northwestern part of the building. It's a good idea to take the Aqueous Tidemarks quest because you'll visit this location while completing it. Head north to the room opposite the body of water, and if you do everything right, inside you'll find a Hydroculus and also a Rifthound who is guarding the Precious Chest. Then everything is simple, unlock the chest and there will be a Drained Conch Cup inside.

Drained Conch Cup 2 - Narzissenkreuz Ordo

Drained Conch Cup 2

Luckily, you don't have to go far to get the next cup, as it's also located in the Institute of Natural Philosophy. To make it quicker, open the mini-map and teleport to the book icon in the center of the building. After doing so, explore the area and find the book on the table to interact with it. This will take you to another room with another Precious Chest containing a second Drained Conch Cup.

Drained Conch Cup 3 - Bravais' Hidden Study

Drained Conch Cup 3

The next cup will be much harder to get. The first thing you need to focus on is collecting all the Mysterious Ores. This is necessary to create Arkhium Lumenite by converting the ores you find using the Forging Press. Once you've fulfilled these conditions, head to the location marked in the image above to find the entrance to Bravais' Hidden Study. You need to get to the room walled by energy. To do so, use the walls to crawl through the opening next to the Hydroculus, then simply jump down. Once inside, you'll notice many different chests, open them all to get rewards, as well as the Drained Conch Cup.

Drained Conch Cup 4 - Cave Near Lock Urania

Drained Conch Cup 4

You can get the last cup only after completing the Wild Fairies of Erinnyes quest line. To initiate the first quest, interact with the stone tablet located on one of the fountains in Marcotte Station. After completing all the quests, head to the cave located north of Loch Urania. Inside, you'll find Pahsiv, and right next to her is the Precious Chest, which contains the last Drained Conch Cup.

If you want to read more, feel free to take a look at:

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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