
How to Solve Athos's Confession in Genshin Impact

Published: Nov. 10, 2023
Updated: Nov. 10, 2023


Athos's Confession is a bottle containing a hidden map that can guide players to valuable treasures in Genshin Impact. This comprehensive guide offers all the essential details on how to solve Athos's Confession in Genshin Impact. We have solved all the puzzles in Genshin Impact 4.2, and we are going to help you save your time and get all the loot.

Contents of the guide: In this guide, you will find a walkthrough on how to solve Athos's Confession in Genshin Impact. Of the eight puzzles, Athos's Confession is one of the most confusing, so let us guide you through it.

  • This guide shows the location of the Athos's Confession map.
  • Then you'll go ashore to the waterfall.
  • Finally, you'll grab a shovel to dig up the treasure for real.

Genshin Impact: How to Solve Athos's Confession

Genshin Impact 4.2: the Morte Region Teleport Waypoint

Start your search from the very center of the Morte region. Teleport to the Morte Region Teleport Waypoint and then follow our instructions:

  • Immediately after teleporting, you will be near the right place. Look for a long staircase leading to a stone ruin.
  • Go inside and turn left. Here, you will immediately come across a shell. Hit it with anything to open it and take the bottle with Athos's Confession map.
  • The note says: "Go to the beach between the waterfalls. There, you will find gifts from Athos as a token of gratitude."

After that, let’s search for the treasure on a small island nearby. Look for the location in the picture below.

Genshin Impact 4.2: Lumidouce Harbor

  • Teleport to Lumidouce Harbor and take a close look at the shore. To the left of the waterfall, you will notice a shovel, approach it, and interact with it.
  • After performing this action, Athos's Confession will update, and you will dig up a treasure chest.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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