My Time at Sandrock: How to Romance Characters

Published: Nov. 08, 2023
Updated: Nov. 08, 2023

German English

Fans of life simulations should take a look at the sequel to My Time at Portia. My Time at Sandrock has everything a cozy heart desires, including the option to enter into romances with the residents.

That's what this guide is all about: More and more players on Steam are getting excited about My Time at Sandrock. As part of the story, you travel to the town of Sandrock as a new craftsman to do various jobs for the residents. As well as fulfilling orders, you can also fight, cook, get pets, grow plants or start romances with other characters. In this guide, we explain exactly how to do this and what you need to pay attention to.


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How to Start a Romance in My Time at Sandrock

If you want to get closer to one of the residents in My Time at Sandrock and enter into a relationship with them, you have to increase your relationship level with them. We have found that the following activities help you to do this:

  • You can increase your favor with the individual inhabitants of the town by giving small and large gifts (note: not every gift is equally well received by all inhabitants. Pay attention to what the individual characters like and don't like).
  • If you greet a resident every day, this will give you a small boost.
  • You can play various mini-games with the characters in My Time at Sandrock. Depending on whether you win or lose, you will receive more or fewer points for your relationship level.
  • Occasionally you will also receive relationship points through quests.
  • You can compete against some characters in sparring matches, which also earns you a few points, especially if you win.
EN My Time at Sandrock Play Minigames

You can earn relationship-points with mini-games.

As soon as you have collected 150 relationship points within a relationship, you can present this character with a heart knot to take your relationship to the next level. You can buy this item in the “By the Stairs” store.

You can't Romance all the Characters

Unfortunately, it is not possible to start a romance with all characters in My Time at Sandrock. The game clearly determines which characters are available for a relationship and which are not. Those who are open to a romantic relationship are marked with a heart, the others with a star.

EN My Time at Sandrock Social Tab

You can recognize the romancable charcters

A romance is possible with the following residents:

  • Amirah
  • Arvio
  • Burgess
  • Catori
  • Elsie
  • Ernest
  • Catch
  • Grace
  • Heidi
  • Jane
  • Justice
  • Logan
  • Mi-an
  • Miguel
  • Nia
  • Owen
  • Pablo
  • Pen
  • Qi
  • Unsuur
  • Venti

As you would expect from a “real” life simulation, you can have several relationships at the same time in My Time at Sandrock. But beware, if your loved ones find out about each other, this can have unpleasant consequences for you.

My Time at Sandrock has been in Early Access for years now and has finally been released for PC on November 2 this year.

Want to join our community and discuss about My Time at Sandrock? Then join our Discord server or visit us on Facebook, we look forward to seeing you!

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Markus has been part of our team since June 2022 and writes about many topics as a dedicated gamer. But he is especially fond of Path of Exile and other ARPGs.
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