
Like a Dragon Gaiden: All Collectibles in Yokohama [Map]

Published: Nov. 08, 2023
Updated: Nov. 10, 2023

German English

In the game world of Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, you can find many useful collectibles. We've explored the entire virtual Ijincho (Yokohama) ourselves and documented the locations of all the hidden objects on the map.

Here's the deal: Like all games and spin-offs in the Yakuza series, Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is packed with collectibles. However, the digital representation of Yokohama used here has been expanded a bit on the Y-axis, which has added some potential locations for these collectibles.

However, for our "Like a Dragon" and "Yakuza" expert Alex, this update posed no problem at all. He is familiar with all the games and spin-offs of the "Like a Dragon" series and therefore knew immediately where to look for hidden objects in "Like a Dragon Gaiden." In this guide, Alex visually shows where all the collectible items are located in Yokohama.

Like a Dragon Gaiden: Where to Find Collectibles in Yokohama

Like a Dragon Gaiden The Man Who Erased His Name All Collectibles in Yokohama

Important: To get hold of all the locker keys in Yokohama, you must return to known locations at certain intervals. That's because some of the item suitcases reappear after a while, and they may contain different items, including locker keys. It is not possible to collect all the keys in a single tour of the city.

More about Like a Dragon Gaiden:

How to read our map: On the map of Yokohama below, you'll see various location markers and numbers. The markers clearly indicate the exact positions of collectibles, while the numbers refer to a legend. That, in turn, certainly reveals what type of item can be found at each location.

Additionally, sometimes we added a "u" after a number. To illustrate:

  • 14: The number 14 chosen here as an example represents Sake on the map, meaning you'll find a suitcase at the marked position next to the number 14 (almost all collectible items are in suitcases) with a bottle of Sake inside. In this case, the suitcase is on the ground or on top of another object.
  • 14u: On the other hand, 14u indicates that the collectible item is not on the ground or near the ground. The "u" stands for "up" (or "look up"), signifying that Kazuma Kiryu needs to raise his gaze. The collectible item would then be, for instance, in the crown of a tree, on an external ventilation shaft, or on an awning.
Like a Dragon Gaiden The Man Who Erased His Name All Collectibles in Yokohama Map

These are the locations of all collectibles in Ijincho, Yokohama. (Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name)

To display the above map in full size (2048x1152 pixels), right-click on the enlarged image and open it in a new browser tab. From there, you can, of course, save it to your hard drive.

Hot Tip:

It's best to search for items with Kiryu, also known as Joryu, in the dark, because the developers have made use of the ambient colors and textures to hide objects. During the day, it often doesn't help that the collectibles flash at short intervals. However, in the dark, they are much easier to find.

Is it Worth Hunting for Collectibles?

Indeed, it is worth looking out for collectibles in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. Especially at the beginning of the game, you can save a lot of money if you use the free regenerative items lying around in the open world; this includes the extremely useful Staminan X(X) or Tauriner+ bottles.

Like a Dragon Gaiden All Collectibles in Sotenbori Map 02

Some of the collectibles in Like a Dragon Gaiden can be found in high places.

Additionally, in Yokohama, you might sometimes find valuable items like gold or silver plates, which you can pawn at the nearest pawnshop. And money is, of course, also important considering you need to regularly upgrade Kiryu's combat skills.

In this context, finding an item called the Bust Amulet also pays off. It's an accessory that increases the chances of the bank busting in blackjack – allowing you to earn a tidy sum.

Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name will be available from November 8, 2023, for PC (Steam), PlayStation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One. The price for the base game is 50 dollars for all platforms.


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After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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