
New World Azoth staff: How to get and upgrade from Tier 1 to 5

Published: Oct. 10, 2022
Updated: Oct. 26, 2023

German English

The Azoth staff is one of the necessary items in New World if you want to start expeditions and various events. Our guide tells you how to get one, how to use it & how to upgrade it to Tier 5.

This is the Azoth Staff: The Azoth Staff is the emblem and tool of the anointed soulwarden with which you can destroy corrupted portals, breaches, and monoliths. These are random events that can vary in difficulty.

How to prepare: To complete the quest in one go, you need a few items:

  • 5 x Silver Ingots
  • 3 x Water
  • 3 x Petalcap
  • 3 x Rivercress Stem

How to get the Azoth Staff in New World – Where to start the Quest

To get the Azoth Staff, you must follow your main story quest until you are sent to the west of Windsward. There you have to complete all quests of the hermit angler “Yonas the Hermit”.


However, you shouldn't rush this series of quests and continue leveling until you reach level 20.

This happens in the quest series: The quest series from Yonas then leads you through all of Aeturnum. You must defeat many opponents, collect objects, and craft items—typical New World Quest design. At the end of the row, you must fight against the level 20 Forgemaster Ezra at the Amrine Temple to forge the Azoth staff on the shattered obelisk.

The New World Azoth Staff Quest in detail

The First Component

  • Location: Traitor's Hold (Monarch's Bluffs)
  • Task: Find the Haft of the staff in a sea cave in the north of Monarch's BluffAfter talking to Yonas Alazar, the fisherman in Windsward, he sends you off to find the Haft of the staff. Go to the neighboring country of Monarch's Bluff and run to the pirates in the north of the coast. You will find the Traitor's Hold Cave and the Haft in a box.


Adiana's Fountain

  • Location: Canary Mine (Everfall)
  • Task: Destroy 3 Corrupted Tendrils and 2 Clotting Carapaces

Yonas sends you to the quest giver Adiana Theron, where you must complete further quests for the time being. She will send you to the neighboring Canary Mine to fight the corruption blocking her Azoth Fountain. You have to kill 3 Corrupted Tendrils that deal enormous damage and 2 Clotting Carapaces—red and black objects that you find in the mine and explode when dead.


Weakness Of The Ego

  • Location: Everfall
  • Task: Craft 3 Corruption Tinctures

In this quest, you must get 3x water, Petalcap, and Rivercress Stem. It is best to find in the First Light area. Then you create the Corrupted Tincture 3 times at an Arcane Repository. Then take the tinctures back to Adriana.


Argent and Aether

  • Location: Amrine Temple (Windsward)
  • Task: Visit the Amrine Temple in Windsward and craft the second part of the stick

Yonas sends you to Windsward, more precisely to the Amrine Temple east of the city. You are supposed to make the second part of the staff with 5 Silver Ingots. But watch out, the Forge at the temple is guarded by The Forgemaster Ezra, a mini-boss.


Forge Your Azoth Staff

  • Location: Shattered Obelisk (Everfall)
  • Task: Go to the Shattered Obelisk and forge the Azoth staff

Southeast of the city of Everfall you will find the Shattered Obelisk. Enter the Obelisk from the south entrance and connect the two halves of the staff to form the Azoth Staff. Then return to Yonas the Hermit to hand in the quest.


More about New World

How To Upgrade your Azoth Staff from Tier 1 to Tier 5

You need to progress in the main storyline to upgrade your Azoth Staff from Tier I to Tier V. Here are the Quest lines that will unlock each upgrade for your Azoth Staff:

  • Tier I: Forge your Azoth Staff – Level 23 – Quest starts at Yonas Alazar in Windsward
  • Tier II: Covenant Commitment – Level 29 – Quest starts at Émile d’Aquitane in Brightwood
  • Tier III: The Alliance – Level 38 – Quest starts at Rima Bahar in Cutlass Keys
  • Tier IV: Race for the Box – Level 50 – Quest starts at Rima Bahar in Eldengrove
  • Tier V: The Tempest's Heart – Level 60 – Quest starts at Gristle in Shattered Mountain

How you Use the Azoth Staff

This is what the staff is good for: You equip the Azoth staff in an extra slot in your inventory and unlock the expeditions immediately after. Corrupted portals, corruption breaches, and monoliths, that appear randomly in the game world and are marked with red dots on the map, can be closed with the Azoth staff. Closing them brings a lot of experience points. This gives you good equipment, Amrine Tuning Orbs, and Azoth, which you, in turn, need to improve items during crafting, reset your weapon skills from level 20, and for the fast travel function.

These are the expeditions: The first expedition, which you should enter at level 25, is also in Windward, more precisely north of the main settlement of the Area. To enter an expedition, you require the Amrine Tuning Orbs from the corrupted events. However, only one person in the entire group requires using this orb to open the entrance.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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