Star Wars Jedi Survivor is out and gamers across all platforms are complaining about performance issues, but PC in particular has been hit hard once again. We'll show you a real fix for the problem, not the "update your drivers," kind - trust us!
What's it about? On PC, Start Wars Jedi Survivor suffers from an overflowing VRAM cache and extreme CPU dependency. On Reddit, a user found a wonderful fix that seems to work flawlessly for most players. We've broken down this help guide further and can now provide you with the ultimate guide to improving performance in Jedi Survivor.
Short preparation: We start the improvement guide outside the game and then go into the game. In order to be able to follow the guide without gaps, you have to download the following programs and have folders ready.
Every gamer with an Nvidia card has probably already activated the option for the Nvidia ReBAR in the bios. With this option, your graphics card can better manage the system resources available to it. In short: Your performance generally increases! Activate this in the bios if you haven't already.
But even players who have already activated the Resizable BAR will have to do it again. Because Star Wars Jedi Survivor doesn't automatically support this Nvidia function:
On the top right, you will find the button "Apply Changes". Click on it and close Nvidia Profile Inspector. Now open the SwGame folder under AppData, which of course you have already prepared.
Once you are in the path "AppData/Local/swgame/saved/config", go to the folder "WindowsNoEditor" and open the file "GameUserSettings.ini" with Notepad++. Here you will find various settings, which you adjust as follows (CTRL + F to find the settings):
Save the file and close it. To prevent Jedi Survivor from overwriting the file the next time you start it, set it to read-only:
For powerful hardware: Finally, open the Nvidia control panel and open the 3D settings. Here you look for Star Wars Jedi Survivor again. If it is not in the list, click on "Add". Found it? Good, here you adjust the following settings:
You should already be feeling the first effects of Jedi Surivor's performance fix, but there's more! Go into the game's graphics settings and change the following settings:
As a final fix for Star Wars Jedi Survivor's lousy performance, we optimize the frametimes. Frametimes describe the time between the display of single images. If not optimized, they can jump between, for example, 14 ms and 22 ms, which causes micro stutters. If we set our own frame cap, we ensure that the frame times remain constant to guarantee a smoother display.
graph showing you your frame times is now stable. Unfortunately, Star Wars Jedi Survivor is very poorly optimized, and you'll still face worse frames than necessary here and there, but believe me, it's significantly more pleasant.
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