Starfield: Background Checks Mission Walkthrough Guide

Published: Sep. 06, 2023
Updated: Apr. 18, 2024

German English

One of the longest side missions in Starfield is "Background Checks," a faction task from Ryujin Industries. Here's how to successfully complete the mission.

How to solve the side mission "Background Checks" (TLDR):

  • Talk to Dalton Fiennes at Madame Sauvage's Place, located in the core of Neon.
  • Infiltrate the headquarters of Ryujin Industries via the roof near the bar. Simply follow the quest marker.
  • Access Ularus' computer and install the Nyx virus on it. More details will follow.

How to Complete Background Checks Mission in Starfield

Starfield: Dalton Fiennes

While playing Starfield, you can join one of the many factions available in the game. Depending on the faction you choose, you will need to complete quests related to it. And next, we will discuss the Ryujin Industries faction and how to complete the Background Checks mission in Starfield.

This is a rather long and complicated task, as you will need to sneak into Ryujin Tower and install the Nyx program there. Below you will find all the necessary steps you have to follow to complete this mission.

All events will take place in Neon City:

  1. First, you will have to talk to Dalton Fiennes, who will give you the quest. The main goal will be to get into Ryujin Towers and install the Nyx program there.
  2. To get the program, you have to visit Madame Sauvage's Place and find Nyx there. He will be sitting in the corner, immediately to the left of the building entrance.
  3. After talking to him, you will be able to get the program for 2500 Credits, but if you persuade him, the amount will be reduced to 1000. And Your next step is to travel and complete the mission in Ryujin Tower.

Starfield: How to Launch a Nyx Program in Ryujin Tower

Starfield: button

  1. After leaving Madame Sauvage's place, follow the quest marker. This will take you to a rooftop where you can interact with a button. This button will activate a crane to move the container to the right place, from where you can get to the tower.
  2. Through the ventilation ducts that you enter from the street, you will enter the warehouse.
  3. From there, you can find another ventilation path with a terminal that can be used to turn off the lights in the part of the tower you're currently in. Take advantage of this to get past the guards unnoticed because if you're playing on a difficult level, they'll definitely be alerted to you.
  4. Once you've done that, continue to move to the next marker that will lead you to Ularu's computer. On the way to it, you need to be as careful as possible and avoid any encounters with the guards because it can end bad for you.
  5. Look for workarounds, as there are actually quite a few of them, so you shouldn't have any problems with this. Pay attention to the ventilation ducts, as they are the best way to avoid the guards, and if a fight is unavoidable, hit first and then run away until their help arrives.
  6. At some point, you will come across a security guard who will notice you and start a conversation. When you see him, be sure to save the game. You'll have to use your persuasion skills to convince him that everything is fine, and you're here legally. When you do, keep moving on.
  7. Eventually, when you arrive at the given marker, you will see a computer. Interact with it and when the interface opens, find the Rover file in the upper-left corner and click on it. This will launch the program, and you will need to escape from the tower as quickly as possible.

Starfield: How to Escape From Ryujin Tower and Complete the Background Checks Mission

Starfield: Nyx

As soon as you are done interacting with the computer, pay attention to the ventilation hatch, which is located in the same room as you are in. It will be highlighted with a marker, so it will be easy to find. Enter it and follow the ventilation system to get outside. Now, you will need to go downstairs. It's not difficult, follow one marker after another, moving and parkouring until you get to the bottom.

Now you'll have to visit Nyx again to let him know what you've done. When you do, he'll sit down at his computer and do the work to give you the necessary files. The last thing you need to do is go back to Dalton Fiennes and give him the files. This will complete the mission. Also, if you are looking for more information about this game, make sure to check our guide on how to get Wakizashi Katana in Starfield.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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