
Starfield: Shipping Magnate Achievement Guide

Published: Sep. 04, 2023
Updated: Nov. 17, 2023

German English

Achievement hunters will have to go through a difficult path to complete all of them in Starfield. The Shipping Magnate achievement is one of the hardest challenges in the game, as it requires a lot of time and resources to get. In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to get the Shipping Magnate achievement in Starfield.

Before you start, we recommend that you save the game because if something goes wrong, you can start over. Also, you need to have plenty of resources to get the achievement. If you are ready, follow the instructions below.

Starfield: How to Get Shipping Magnate Achievement

Starfield: outpost

There are 5 steps you need to take:

  1. Create 6 outposts not far from each other.
  2. Go to each Outpost, open the building menu, and select "Cargo Link." You can do this without any special skills.
  3. Select an empty place to create a cargo line. Now you have to do this at each outpost.
  4. Go up to the cargo link, which has a terminal on it. Interact with it and select which outpost to link it to. After that, a green "link" icon should appear.
  5. Link all Outposts in the following sequence: Outpost 1 + Outpost 2 / Outpost 3 + Outpost 4 / Outpost 5 + Outpost 6.

Read more: How to Add Starfield to Steam From Gamepass

And these are all the resources you will need to use to connect all the outposts:

  • 14 Beryllium
  • 84 Aluminum
  • 140 Iron
  • 14 Zero Wire

You might be wondering why you have to make 6 Outposts if the achievement states 5. It's simple, they can only be connected in separate pairs. So you need a 6th outpost to connect 5 + 6.

We hope this guide was helpful, and that you were able to get the Shipping Magnate Achievement without any problems. And if you want to read more guides, please check our article on how to apply for the assistant to the director job in Starfield.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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