Valheim: How to Tame & Breed Boars for Leather

Published: Nov. 27, 2022
Updated: Jun. 15, 2023

German English

In the Viking co-op survival Valheim, you need scraps of leather for everything. However, hunting wild boars can be time-consuming. We'll show you how to tame and breed the boars yourself and how to farm leather easily.

At the start of the Viking co-op survival Valheim, you will need scraps of leather to make various items such as clothing.

How to prepare: You don't need much to breed wild boars in the co-op survival. But to start with, collect a few mushrooms, which you will need later.

Then you collect wood to build a suitable enclosure. To do this, you use a fence and build it around a small area. But leave enough space to place a door. Your enclosure for wild boar breeding is ready.

This is How you Tame and Breed Wild Boars in Valheim to Farm Leather

To breed the wild boar yourself now, you have to catch them at best. That's exactly what you built the enclosure for. So find a wild boar or two and make them run after you in a rage. Make sure you don't run too far, or they'll run back again. So lure the wild boar into the enclosure and close the door.


How to Tame Wild Boars in Valheim

Now you have your wild boar, hopefully even two, in your enclosure. Now you require the mushrooms. Stand in front of the enclosure and open your inventory. With a Shift + left click, you can split the items. Divide the mushrooms into stacks of 1 and throw them into the enclosure.

Also interesting

The wild boars will now eat the mushrooms at regular intervals and will begin to tame them. However, this process can take a long time. So throw enough food in the enclosure and wait a few real hours. You can tell the status of the taming process when you stand close enough to the wild boar and aim for it.

How to Breed Wild Boars in Valheim

When the process is complete, and the wild boars are tamed, they start to reproduce. But for this, you absolutely need two wild boars. If you continue to feed them, you will eventually create small wild boars that will grow over time. They also keep mu27ltiplying.

In this way, you can build up a whole pig farm, and then, by slaughtering the animals, you always have enough leather and meat.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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