
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Activate the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower

Published: May. 11, 2023
Updated: May. 12, 2023

German English

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, it's helpful to activate the Skyview Towers to unlock a part of the map that allows you to see its terrain. Our guide shows you how to activate the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower to unlock the surrounding map.

This is what this Zelda guide is about: With the help of the towers in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you can unlock the map, showing you the terrain around the tower. Additionally, they are handy quick travel destinations and one of the few ways to do so. Of course, you can look over everything with your binoculars on top of them and place markers in all the places that interest you or that you have uncovered that way.

Where You Find the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower

You can find the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower in Akkala Highlands, southeast of Death Mountain. The exact coordinates of the location are:

  • 3492, 2020, 0188

How to Activate the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Defeat the Flying Monster

To activate this Skyview Tower, you need to find the terminal of the tower and bring it back. This was stolen by a monster, which you can “easily” find behind the shrine. Bring it down from the sky with a bow and arrow, using fruits to boost your attack if necessary. Where the monster fell from the sky, you will now find the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower terminal.

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Return the Terminal of the Tower to Its Place

Carry the terminal back to the tower and place it in its place. After placing it, Sawson will ensure that the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower terminal is firmly back in place. After a short conversation, you can interact with the tower's terminal, which activates the tower and thus unlocks the surrounding map, allowing you to fast travel to it.

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