The Ground type is one of 9 elements in Palworld. In this post, we will tell you everything about the Dragon element, its strengths, and weaknesses.
Pals of the Ground type have no unique work suitability but are often used in mining or craftsmanship. The best Ground Pal for these jobs is Anubis, which comes with Mining Level 3 and Craftsmanship Level 4.
Number | Name | Element | Partner Skill | Work Suitability | Drops | Farm Produce | Can be ridden? |
No. 088 | Repyro | Fire, Ground | Improves Mining Efficiency while mounted | Kindling Lv3 Mining Lv3 | Flame Organ | Yes | |
No. 99 | Menasting | Ground, Dark | Increase player’s defense Electric Pals drop more items | Handiwork Lv2 Mining Lv3 | Coal | No | |
No. 100 | Anubis | Ground | Rapidly fires Missile Launcher | Gathering Lv3 | Bone | Yes (fly) |
(Search for “Ground")
Nummer | Name | Element | Partner Skill | Work | Drops | Farm Produce | Can be ridden? |
No. 001 | Lamball | Can be used as a shield | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 | Wool, Lamball Mutton | Wool | No | |
No. 002 | Cattiva | Increases Capacity | Handiwork Lv1 | Red Berries | No | ||
No. 003 | Chikipi | Egg Layer | Gathering Lv1 | Egg Chikipi Poultry | Eggs | No | |
No. 004 | Lifmunk | Planting Lv1 | Berry Seeds, Low Grade, Medical | No | |||
No. 005 | Foxparks | Huggy Fire Becomes a Flamethro | Kindling Lv1 | Leather Flame, Organ | No | ||
No. 006 | Fuack | Surfing Slam | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 | Leather Pal Fluids | No | ||
No. 007 | Sparkit | Increase all Electric Attacks in your Team | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Generating Electricity Lv1 | Electric Organ | No | ||
No. 008 | Tanzee | Fires an Assault Rifle | Planting Lv1 | Mushrooms | No | ||
No. 009 | Rooby | Increases Fire Attack in your Team | Kindling Lv1 | Flame Organ Leather | No | ||
No. 010 | Pengullet | Player gets Rocket Launcher and fires the Pal | Handiwork Lv1 Watering Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Cooling Lv1 | Ice Organ Pal Fluids | No | ||
No. 011 | Penking | Defeated Fire Pals drop more Items | Handiwork Lv2 Transporting Lv2 Watering Lv2 Mingin Lv2 Cooling Lv2 | Ice Organ Penking Plume | No | ||
No. 012 | Jolthog | Becomes an electric grenade | Generate Electricity Lv1 | Electric Organ | No | ||
No. 013 | Gumoss | Improves Cutting Efficency | Planting Lv1 | Berry Seed Gumoss Leaf | No | ||
No. 014 | Vixy | Randomly digs when in Ranch | Gathering Lv1 Farming Lv1 | Leather Bones | Random Items | No | |
No. 015 | Hoocrates | Increases Dark Attacks in your Team | Gathering Lv1 | Fiber High Grade Technical Manual | No | ||
No. 016 | Teafant | Heals Players HP | Watering Lv1 | Pal Fluids | No | ||
No. 017 | Depresso | Drinks Energy Drinks and increases Speed | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Mining Lv1 | Venom Gland | No | ||
No. 018 | Cremis | Increases Neutral Attacks in your team. | Gathering Lv1 Farming Lv1 | Wool | Wool | No | |
No. 019 | Daedream | Follows up Player Attacks by shooting Magic Bulltes | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Gathering Lv1 | Venom Gland Small Pal Soul | No | ||
No. 020 | Rushoar | Increases efficency destroying boulders when in team | Mining Lv1 | Rushoar Pork Leather Bones | No | ||
No. 021 | Nox | Applies Dark Damage to players attack. | Gathering Lv1 | Leather Small Pal Soul | No | ||
No. 022 | Fuddler | Generates subtle vibrations to detect Ore. | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Mining Lv1 | Leather | No | ||
No. 023 | Killamari | No | |||||
No. 024 | Mau | - | Farming Lv1 | Gold Coins | Gold Coins | No | |
No. 025 | Celaray | Can be used as a Glider when Saddle is equipped | Transporting Lv1 Watering Lv1 | Pal Fluids | Yes | ||
No. 026 | Direhowl | Gathering Lv1 | Leather Ruby Gold Coin | Yes | |||
No. 027 | Tocotoco | Equips to player, becomes an Eggbomb Launcher | Gathering Lv1 | Gunpowder Tocotoco Feather | No | ||
No. 028 | Flopie | Planting Lv1 Handiwork Lv1 Medicine Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Gathering Lv1 | Low Grade Medical Wheat Seeds | No | |||
No. 029 | Mozzarina | - | Farming Lv1 | Mozzarina Meat Milk | Milk | No | |
No. 030 | Bristla | Princess Glaze Increases Grass Attacks in your team. | Planting Lv1 Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Gathering Lv1 Medicine Lv2 | Wheat Seeds Lettuce Seeds | No | ||
No. 031 | Gobfin | Angry Shark Attacks enemies with aqua gun increases players attack power | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Watering Lv2 | Pal Fluids | No | ||
No. 032 | Hangyu | Can be used as a Glider | Handiwork Lv1 Gathering Lv1 Transporting Lv2 | Fiber | Yes | ||
No. 033 | Mossanda | When mounted, fires rapidly shooting Grenade Launcher | Planting Lv2 Handiwork Lv2 Lumbering Lv2 Transporting Lv3 | Mushrooms Leather Tomato Seed | Yes | ||
No. 034 | Woolipop | - | Farming Lv1 | Cotton Candy High Quality Pal Oil | Cotton Candy | ||
No. 035 | Caprity | - | Farming Lv1 Planting Lv2 | Capricity Meat Red Berries Horn | Red Berries | ||
No. 036 | Melpaca | Farming Lv1 | Wool Leather | Wool | Yes | ||
No. 037 | Eikthyrdeer | Can perform Double Jump Increases cutting trees effeciency | Lumbering Lv2 | Eikthyrdeer Venison Leather Horn | Yes | ||
No. 038 | Nitewing | - | Gathering Lv2 | Leather | Yes (Fly) | ||
No. 039 | Ribbuny | Increases Neutral Attacks in the team. Increases efficiency at Weapon Workbench | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Gathering Lv1 | Leather Beautiful Flower | No | ||
No. 040 | Incineram | Attacks enemy with powerful Fire Attack | Kindling Lv1 Mining Lv1 Handiwork Lv2 Transporting Lv2 | Horn Leather | No | ||
No. 041 | Cinnamoth | Attacks with Poison Fog | Medicine Prod. Lv1 Planting Lv2 | Honey | No | ||
No. 042 | Arsox | Keeps the Rider warm in cold environment | Lumbering Lv1 Kindling Lv2 | Horn Flame Organ | Yes | ||
No. 043 | Dumud | Increases Ground Attack in the team. | Transporting Lv1 Watering Lv1 Mining Lv2 | Raw Dumud High Quality Pal Oil | No | ||
No. 044 | Cawgnito | Attacks with powerful Dark Attack | Lumbering Lv1 | Bones Venom Gland Small Pal Soul | No | ||
No. 045 | Leezpunk | Detects nearby Dungeons | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Gathering Lv1 | Copper Key Silver Key | No | ||
No. 046 | Loupmoon | Attacks with powerful Jump Attack | Handiwork Lv2 | Bones | No | ||
No. 047 | Galeclaw | Can be used as a GliderY | Gathering Lv2 | Galeclaw Poultry Leather | Yes | ||
No. 048 | Robinquill | More damage to weak spots | Planting Lv1 Lumbering Lv1 Medicine Prod. Lv1 Handiwork Lv2 Transporting Lv2 Gathering Lv2 | Wheat Seeds Arrows | No | ||
No. 049 | Gorirat | Unleashes primal fury, increases its attack | Handiwork Lv1 Lumbering Lv2 Transporting Lv3 | Leather Bones | No | ||
No. 050 | Beegarde | In team, increases Elizabee’s stats | Planting Lv1 Handiwork Lv1 Limbering Lv1 Medicine Prod. Lv1 Gathering Lv1 Farming Lv1 Transporting Lv2 | Honey | Honey | No | |
No. 051 | Elizabee | Increases stats of Beegarde | Lumbering Lv1 Planting Lv2 Handiwork Lv2 Medicine Prod. Lv2 Gathering Lv2 | Honey Elizabee’s Staff | No | ||
No. 052 | Grintale | Enhances Neutral Attacks when ridden. | Gathering Lv2 | High Quality Pal Oil | Yes | ||
No. 053 | Swee | When in team, Sweepa’s stats will increase | Gathering Lv1 Cooling Lv1 | Wool | No | ||
No. 054 | Sweepa | Increases stats of Swee. | Gathering Lv2 Cooling Lv2 | Wool | Yes | ||
No. 055 | Chillet | Applies Dragon damage to players attack | Gathering Lv1 Cooling Lv1 | Leather | Yes | ||
No. 056 | Univolt | Applies Electric Damage to players attacks. | Lumbering Lv1 Generate Electricity Lv2 | Leather Electric Organ Horn | Yes | ||
No. 057 | Foxcicle | ||||||
No. 058 | Pyrin | Applies Fire Damage to players attacks. | Lumbering Lv1 Kindling Lv2 | Flame Organ Leather | Yes | ||
No. 059 | Reindrix | Keeps Rider cool in hot environment | Lumbering Lv2 Cooling Lv2 | Reindrix Venison Leather Horn Ice Organ | Yes | ||
No. 060 | Rayhound | Double Jump | Generate Electricity Lv2 | Electric Organ | Yes | ||
No. 061 | Kitsun | Yes | |||||
No. 062 | Dazzi | Follows up player’s attacks with lightning bolts | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Generate Electricity Lv1 | Electric Organ | No | ||
No. 063 | Lunaris | Increases Players max Weight Capacity | Transporting Lv1 Gathering Lv1 Handiwork Lv3 | Paldium Fragment | No | ||
No. 064 | Dinossom | Improves Grass Attacks while ridden | Planting Lv2 Lumbering Lv2 | Wheat Seeds | Yes | ||
No. 065 | Surfent | No stamina depletion on water | Watering Lv2 | Pal Fluids | Yes (Swim) | ||
No. 066 | Maraith | Applies Dark damage to players attacks while mounted | Mining Lv1 Gathering Lv2 | Bones Small Pal Soul | Yes | ||
No. 067 | Digtoise | Performs Shell Spin Mines Ores effectively | Mining Lv3 | Ore High Quality Pal Oil | No | ||
No. 068 | Tombat | Detects nearby Pals | Transporting Lv2 Gathering Lv2 Mining Lv2 | Leather Small Pal Soul | No | ||
No. 069 | Lovander | Grants Player Life Steal ability. | Mining Lv1 Handiwork Lv2 Medicine Prod. Lv2 Transporting Lv2 | Mushroom Cake Suspicious Juice Strange Juice | No | ||
No. 070 | Flambelle | - | Kindling Lv1 Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Farming Lv1 | Flame Organ High Quality Pal Oil | Flame Organ | No | |
No. 071 | Vanwyrm | Increases Player Damage to weak spots. | Kindling Lv1 Transporting Lv3 | Bones Ruby Gold Coin | Yes | ||
No. 072 | Bushi | Targets enemy with powerful Fire Attack | Handiwork Lv1 Gathering Lv1 Kindling Lv2 Transporting Lv2 Lumbering Lv3 | Bones Ingots | No | ||
No. 073 | Beakon | Applies Electric damage to player’s attacks | Gathering Lv1 Generate Electricity Lv2 Transporting Lv3 | Electric Organ | Yes | ||
No. 074 | Ragnahawk | Applies Fire damage to player’s attacks. | Kindling Lv3 Transporting Lv3 | Flame Organ | Yes | ||
No. 075 | Katress | Defeated neutral pals drop more items | Handiwork Lv2 Medicine Prod. Lv2 Transporting Lv2 | Leather Katress Hair High Grade Technical Manual | No | ||
No. 076 | Wixen | Applies Fire damage to player’s attacks | Kindling Lv2 Transporting Lv2 Handiwork Lv3 | Flame Organ High Grade Technical Manual | No | ||
No. 077 | Verdash | Increases player’s movement speed Applies Grass Damage to players attacks | Planting Lv2 Lumbering Lv2 Transporting Lv2 Handiwork Lv3 Gathering Lv3 | Leather Bones | No | ||
No. 078 | Vaelet | Defeated Ground Pals drop more Items | Transporting Lv1 Planting Lv2 Handiwork Lv2 Gathering Lv2 Medicine Prod. Lv3 | Low Grade Medical Supplies Tomato Seeds | No | ||
No. 079 | Sibelyx | Targets enemy with Ice Attack | Farming Lv1 Medicine Prod. Lv2 | High Quality Cloth Ice Organ | High Quality Cloth | No | |
No. 080 | Elphidran | Defeated Dark Pals drop more Items | Lumbering Lv2 | High Quality Pal Oil | Yes | ||
No. 081 | Kelpsea | Increase attacks of Water Pals | Watering Lv1 | Raw Kelpsea Pal Fluids | No | ||
No. 082 | Azurobe | Applies Water Damage to player Attacks when mounted | Watering Lv3 | Cloth | Yes (swim) | ||
No. 083 | Cryolinx | Defeated Dragon Pals drop more Items | Handiwork Lv1 Lumbering Lv2 Cooling Lv3 | Ice Organ | No | ||
No. 084 | Blazehowl | Defeated Grass Pals drop more Items | Lumbering Lv2 Kindling Lv3 | Flame Organ | Yes | ||
No. 085 | Relaxaurus | Rapidly fires missile launcher when mounted | Watering Lv2 | High Quality Pal Oil Ruby | Yes | ||
No. 086 | Broncherry | Increase player’s max weight capacity | Planting Lv3 | Broncherry Meat Tomato Seeds | Yes | ||
No. 087 | Petallia | Uses medical flowers to heal the player | Transporting Lv1 Handiwork Lv2 Medicine Prod. Lv2 Gathering Lv2 Planting Lv3 | Beautiful Flower | No | ||
No. 088 | Reptyro | Improves Mining Efficiency while mounted | Kindling Lv3 Mining Lv3 | Flame Organ | Yes | ||
No. 089 | Kingpaca | Increases players weight capacity | Gathering Lv1 | Wool | Yes | ||
No. 090 | Mammorest | Improves efficiency of cutting trees and mining | Planting Lv2 Lumbering Lv2 Mining Lv2 | High Quality Pal Oil Leather Mammorest Meat | es | ||
No. 091 | Wumpo | Increase players weight capacity | Handiwork Lv2 Cooling Lv2 Lumbering Lv3 Transporting Lv4 | Ice Organ Beautiful Flower | Yes | ||
No. 092 | Warsect | Increases player’s Defense. Reduces fall damage | Planting Lv1 Handiwork Lv1 Lumbering Lv3 Transporting Lv3 | Honey | No | ||
No. 093 | Fenglope | Double Jump | Lumbering Lv2 | Leather Horn | Yes | ||
No. 094 | Felbat | Grants player Life Steal to regain HP | Medicine Prod. Lv3 | Cloth Small Pal Soul | No | ||
No. 095 | Quivern | Improves Dragon attacks in the team | Handiwork Lv1 Gathering Lv2 Mining Lv2 Transporting Lv3 | High Quality Pal Oil | Yes | ||
No. 096 | Blazamut | Improves Fire attacks while mounted | Kindling Lv3 Mining Lv4 | Coal Flame Organ | Yes | ||
No. 097 | Helzephyr | Applies Dark damage to the players attacks | Transporting Lv3 | Venom Gland Medium Pal Soul | Yes | ||
No. 098 | Astegon | More damage to ore while mounted | Handiwork Lv1 Mining Lv4 | Pal Metal Ingot Pure Quarz | Yes | ||
No. 099 | Menasting | Increase player’s defense Electric Pals drop more items | Lumbering Lv2 Mining Lv3 | Coal Venom Gland | No | ||
No. 100 | Anubis | Applies Ground Damage to player’s attacks. Can dodge attacks randomly | Transporting Lv2 Mining Lv3 Handiwork Lv4 | Bone Large Pal Soul Innovative Technical Manual | No | ||
No. 101 | Jormuntide | Prevents Stamina Depletion on Water | Watering Lv4 | Pal Fluids | Yes (swim) | ||
No. 101 B | Jormuntide Ignis | Enhances Fire attacks while mounted | Kindling Lv4 | High Quality Pal Oil Flame Organ | Yes | ||
No. 102 | Suzaku | Enhances Fire attacks while mounted | Kindling Lv3 | Flame Organ | Yes | ||
No. 102 B | Suzaku Aqua | Enhances Water attacks while mounted | Watering Lv3 | Pal Fluids | Yes | ||
No. 103 | Grizzbolt | Rapidly fires a Minigun | Handiwork Lv2 Lumbering Lv2 Transporting Lv3 Generate Electricity Lv3 | Electric Organ Leather | Yes | ||
No. 104 | Lyleen | ||||||
No. 105 | Faleris |
| |||||
No. 106 | Orserk |
| |||||
No. 107 | Shadowbeak | Enhances Dark attack in the team | Gathering Lv1 | Pal Metal Ingot Carbon Fiber Innovative Technical Manual | Yes | ||
No. 108 | Paladius | ||||||
No. 109 | Necromus |
| |||||
No. 110 | Frostallion | Changes player’s attack to Ice. | Cooling Lv4 | Ice Organ Diamond | Yes | ||
No. 111 | Jetragon | Rapidly fires missile launcher | Gathering Lv3 | Pure Quartz Polymer Carbon Fiber Diamond | Yes | ||
No. 12b | Jolthog Crystal | Becomes an Ice Granade | Cooling Lv1 | Ice Organ | No | ||
No. 24 B | Mau Crystal | - | Cooling Lv1 Farming Lv1 | Ice Organ Sapphire | Gold Coins | No | |
No. 31 B | Gobfin Ignis | Angry Shark Attacks with Spirit Fire Increases Players Attack | Handiwork Lv1 Transporting Lv1 Kindling Lv2 | Flame Organ | No | ||
No. 32 B | Hangyu Crystal | Yes | |||||
No. 33 B | Mossanda Lux | When mounted, fires rapidly shooting Grenade Launcher | Handiwork Lv2 Lumbering Lv2 Generate Electricity Lv2 Transporting Lv3 | Mushrooms Electric Organ Leather | Yes | ||
No. 37 B | Eikthyrdeer Terra | Can perform Double Jump Increases cutting trees effeciency | Lumbering Lv2 | Eikthyrdeer Venison Leather Horn | Yes | ||
No. 40 B | Incineram Noctis | Attacks enemy with powerful Dark Attack | Kindling Lv1 Mining Lv1 Handiwork Lv2 Transporting Lv2 | Horn Leather | No | ||
No. 45 B | Leezpunk Ignis | Detects nearby Dungeons | Kindling Lv1 Handiwork Lv1 Gathering Lv1 Transporting Lv1 | Flame Organ Silver Key | No | ||
No. 48 B | Robinquill Terra | More damage to weak spots | Lumbering Lv1 Medicine Prod. Lv1 Handiwork Lv2 Transporting Lv2 Gathering Lv2 | Wheat Seeds Arrows | No | ||
No. 58 B | Pyrin Noct | Applies Dark damage to players attacks | Lumbering Lv1 Kindling Lv2 | Flame Organ Leather | Yes | ||
No. 64 B | Dinossom Lux | Improves Electric Attacks while ridden | Lumbering Lv2 Generate Electricity Lv2 | Tomato Seeds | Yes | ||
No. 65 B | Surfent Terra | Gathering Lv1 | Pal Fluids | Yes | |||
No. 71 B | Vanwyrm Cryst | Increases Player Damage to weak spots. | Cooling Lv2 Transporting Lv3 | Bones Ice Organ Spahhire | Yes | ||
No. 81 B | Kelpsea Ignis | Increase attacks of Fire Pals | Kindling Lv1 | Raw Kelpsea Flame Organ | No | ||
No. 84 B | Blazehowl Noct | Defeated Neutral Pals drop more Items | Lumbering Lv2 Kindling Lv3 | Flame Organ | Yes | ||
No. 85 B | Relaxaurus Lux | Rapidly fires missile launcher when mounted | Transporting Lv1 Generate Electricity Lv3 | High Quality Pal Oil Electric Organ Sapphire | Yes | ||
No. 86 B | Broncherry Aqua | Increase player’s max weight capacity | Watering Lv3 | Broncherry Meat Lettuce Seeds | Yes | ||
No. 88 B | Ice Reptyro | Improves Mining Efficiency while mounted | Mining Lv3 Cooling Lv3 | Ice Organ | Yes | ||
No. 89 B | Ice Kingpaca | Increases player's weight capacity | Gathering Lv1 Cooling Lv3 | Wool Ice Organ | Yes | ||
No. 90 B | Mammorest Cryst | Improves efficiency of cutting trees and mining | Lumbering Lv2 Mining Lv2 Cooling Lv2 | High Quality Pal Oil Leather Mammorest Meat | Yes | ||
No. 91 B | Wumpo Botan | Increase players weight capacity | Planting Lv1 Handiwork Lv2 Lumbering Lv3 Transporting Lv4 | Lettuce Seeds Tomato Seeds Beautiful Flowers | Yes |